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Freespire RC 1 has been released

Freespire is a community-driven, Linux-based operating system that combines the best that free, open source software has to offer (community driven, freely distributed, open source code, etc.), but also provides users the choice of including proprietary codecs, drivers and applications as they see fit. With Freespire, the choice is yours as to what software is installed on your computer, with no limitations or restrictions placed on that choice. How you choose to maximize the performance of your computer is entirely up to you.

Freespire RC 1 Release Notes

Note: CNR Plug-ins such as DeviantArt & DistSelector (for admins) are temporarily disabled in this version of CNR 6. This release represents significant stability patches. After this Freespire version confirms the patches are successful, the CNR services/plug-ins that were disabled will be re-enabled for the next release
CNR Proxy functionality still unavailable.
Apt pools not yet updated completely, so apt-get dist-upgrade will not get everything.
Warn if user chooses an existing username during install.
Add kcontrol module for mailto handling.
Fix display/resolution controls in startup wizard.
Remove release notes from startup wizard (they will return, eventually.)
Remove Linspire logo from 'installation done-eject cd' graphic.
Add Oboe Sync to Freespire Builds.
Replace file manager kicker icon.
Many fixes to Lmail/Lbrowser:
Fix inline spell checking for lbrowser.
Change userAgent string to enable support on sites that expect Firefox.
Fix links broken because of hotwords error.
Lbrowser opened maximized by default.
Turn Download Manager OFF by default.
Opening a new tab should defaults to your home page.
Don't show email settings import window if not necessary.
Mailminder works again.
Change Lbrowser launch audiowrapper with --oss-smallbuffer, Flash animations stay in sync.
Theme fixes.
Restore scrollbars in mail client.