KDE 1580 Published by

KDE 3.5.4 has been released

The KDE Project today announced the immediate availability of KDE 3.5.4, a maintenance release for the latest generation of the most advanced and powerful free desktop for GNU/Linux and other UNIXes. KDE now supports 65 languages, making it available to more people than most non-free software and can be easily extended to support others by communities who wish to contribute to the open source project.

Significant enhancements include:

Improved removable device support in Linux (users can now mount all devices supported by FreeDesktop's HAL and control how it will be done)
Speed optimisations in Konsole and Kate
Multiple holidays can now start on the same date in KOrganizer
Lots of fixes in Konqueror's HTML engine, KHTML
The dialog for sending client-side SSL certificates is now more usable
KNetworkConf now supports Fedora Core 5 and handles WEP keys better
KDE 3.5.4