Linux 3057 Published by

PCLinuxOS 2007 Test release 1 is now available for download. Please note this is not the final release. PCLinuxOS 2007 final will be released at the end of the month.

Features include:

KDE 3.5.6
Mozilla Firefox
Flash 9
Mozilla Thunderbird
Open Office 2.1.0
Xorg 7.1
Beryl, Compiz, Aixgl and Xgl for 3D graphics support
Gcc 4.1.1 and updated glibc
Updated bootsplash, icons, and more from the beautification project.
Xdg Menu system
Rebuild and update of our entire repository against new gcc and glibc
Simplified Livecd boot options.

Livecd boot options:

Livecd - Default boot options
Frambuffer - Boot using generic video drivers (Proprietary drivers available after install)
Safe - Turns off most hardware probing
Mediacheck - Test the media to determine a good burn to cdr
Memtest - Test your computer memory

Installation is done through the root account. Login with root as the username and root as the password then click on Install PCLinuxOS to start the installer. Help with installation is also available on the dekstop. PASS users will get a new email on or about February 15th for access to our premium server. 4-5 public software mirrors are currently available for this test release.

Known Issues:

Alsa sometimes gives harmless warning at shutdown (fixed with kdebase update from Synaptic)
Synatpic doesn't allow one to re-install already installed software
Missing some wireless firmware for various wirelss cards.
3D support is still experimental and doesn't work with all video cards yet.
Missing a lot of applications in the repository. We will be adding more as time allows.
Menu editor gets wonky from time to time.

PCLinuxOS 2007 Test release 1