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Puppy Linux version 1.0.8 has been released

The live-CD iso file is named puppy-1.0.8-mozilla.iso and the size is 61.5M. There is also a multisession iso named puppy-multisession-1.0.8-mozilla.iso.

Release notes:

The biggest news item is the move from OSS to ALSA sound. A modified version of the alsaconf script is used to auto-configure the sound at bootup.
Puppy 1.0.7 has the Xvesa and Xorg X servers, but the latter is stuck on "us" keyboard layout as the xkb component of Xorg is missing. Puppy 1.0.8 has a reduced xkb component that will now give correct keyboard layout and characters for the major countries.
Lior Tubi has greatly improved the original Blinky taskbar network monitor, and we now have Lior's version 0.6 of Blinky.
Jonathan Marsden has developed a script,, to automatically login to the #puppylinux IRC channel on Select Gaim from the menu and an account is automatically created for you -- immediately start chatting with other Puppy enthusiasts!
Rarsa's Ethernet/Network Wizard version 20, a big improvement on my original effort, is also included.
The window manager JWM is upgraded to version 1.4. Among the many improvements is the ability to swallow applications into the taskbar (Blinky is an example).
Remembers sound volume between boots.
tune2fs, badblocks, sudo, sudoedit utilities added.
mtPaint upgraded to v2.20, gFTP upgraded to v2.0.18.
Proper support for the serial mouse in Xorg -- scripts /usr/sbin/xorgwizard and /usr/sbin/input-wizard edited.
Multisession saving at shutdown should now be more reliable. Previously, sessions sometimes did not save.
Full versions of cut, chmod and touch to replace Busybox versions.
I've hacked thoughtjourney's jwmconfig JWM configuration GUI, to work with JWM 1.4. The new Unleashed package is jwmconfig-0.1patched.
UPGRADING: If you previously tested Puppy 1.0.8beta, please wind the version number back before booting 1.0.8 final. That is, change the content of file /etc/puppyversion from "108" back to "107". This will ensure that the menu is correct.
UPGRADING: Unlike Puppy2, has retained the "file cleanup" at an upgrade, which will wipe out unrecognised files in /usr. Take care, if upgrading.
UPGRADING: A problem with Xorg in 1.0.7 is the keyboard layout is "us" only. Fixed for 1.0.8 -- if you use a keyboard layout other than "us", run the Xorg Wizard again. This will cause the keyboard layout that you chose originally (and in the Keyboard/Mouse Wizard) to also be applied to xkb, the layout module of Xorg. Note, if you have the "xmodmap" DotPup installed, you should be able to remove it. (see notes below)
The kernel is still version 2.4.29, exactly the same as used from Puppy 1.0.4 - 1.0.7, except the default ramdisk size has been increased to 13824K. Puppy 1.0.8beta uses 2.4.31, however ndiswrapper does not work with it and we are forced to go back to 2.4.29 (see notes below).