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Puppy version 2.11 has been released:

Puppy version 2.11 is out. The 'standard' live-CD iso file is puppy-2.11-seamonkey.iso and is 70.8M. The release notes are in a separate web page:

To download, go to the main Puppy download page:

The primary download host is Ibiblio:

There is also puppy-2.11-seamonkey-xorgdrvrs.iso, 73.9M, that includes the extra Xorg basic video drivers. The other smaller iso has a slightly more shutdown Xorg with only 'vesa' and 'i810' drivers and this may have teething troubles on some video hardware. Feedback will be welcome on this, on the Forum.

As usual, there's lots going on that did not make it into this release, such as MU's new package installer. Some of these should make it for 2.12.