Red Hat 9115 Published by

A new Fedora 9 development snapshot has been released

As part of our development schedule, we are releasing a snapshot of Rawhide in Live form. We are releasing these via bittorrent only as it is a much lighter weight method to get bits out the door than to go through our mirroring system. If you cannot use bittorrent we apologize for the inconvenience. has a section marked Rawhide-20080404-Snapshot with Live torrents. Due to ongoing issues with X in anaconda we do not have CDs/DVDs of rawhide at this time. We may add them if an X fix happens.

Please us bugzilla to report any problems you find (after making sure that somebody else hasn't already reported the issues). The Beta release notes ( ) still mostly apply.

Thanks for all the testing!
Rawhide 20080404 Snapshot Released