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Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate has been released:

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the Release Candidate for version 7.10 of Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Gobuntu, and Xubuntu codenamed "Gutsy Gibbon". The Release Candidate includes installable live Desktop CDs, server images, alternate text-mode installation CDs, and an upgrade wizard for users of the current stable release.

We consider this release candidate to be complete, stable, and suitable for testing by any user.

The final release of version 7.10 is scheduled for 18 October 2007 and will be supported for 18 months on both desktops and servers. Users requiring a longer support lifetime on servers may choose to continue using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, with security support until 2011, rather than upgrade to 7.10.

Before installing or upgrading to Ubuntu 7.10 please read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseNotes

About The Release Candidate

The purpose of the Release Candidate is to solicit one last round of testing before the final release. Here are ways that you can help:

* Upgrade from Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Edubuntu 7.04 to the Release Candidate by following the instructions given above.

* Participate in installation testing using the Release Candidate CD images, by following the testing and reporting instructions at

Desktop highlights

Compiz Fusion: This innovative compositing window manager enables 3-D desktop effects that let users work with, and see, their desktops in completely new ways.

Printer installation: In GNOME, printers are automatically configured for use as soon as they are connected.

Free Flash support with Gnash: Ubuntu 7.10 leads the pack with a preview of this Flash browser plugin. Although still actively in development and not yet fully supported by Ubuntu, Gnash gives a glimpse into the future of free Flash, bringing partial Flash support to 64-bit desktop systems.

Automated Firefox plugin installation: Beyond the addition of Gnash, Firefox in Ubuntu now supports automatic installation of popular plugins through the standard Ubuntu package repositories, for a richer web-browsing experience with the integrated security support of the rest of the Ubuntu system.

Server highlights

AppArmor: This easy-to-deploy kernel technology limits the resources an application is allowed to access and can be used to provide an added layer of protection against undiscovered security vulnerabilities in applications.

Pre-configured installation options: Mail Server, Print Server, Database Server, and File Server options join existing LAMP and DNS options for pre-configured installations, easing the deployment of common server configurations.

Edubuntu highlights

Faster thin clients: Thin clients have been sped up significantly through the use of compressed images.

Updated login manager: The thin-client login manager has been completely reworked, with themes for all Ubuntu flavors, support for autologin, and optional unencrypted graphics transport for improved performance on slower hardware.

Kubuntu highlights

As well as the above desktop highlights, the following new features are specific to KDE users:

Dolphin file manager: This updated file manager gives Ubuntu users a glimpse of the upcoming KDE 4.

Strigi desktop search: Another pillar of KDE 4 available now in Kubuntu.

Restricted-manager: Kubuntu 7.10 includes a KDE front-end for easy installation of proprietary drivers, complementing the existing GNOME front-end.

Please see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyGibbon/RC/Kubuntu for details.

Gobuntu highlights

Gobuntu 7.10 is the debut full release of the Ubuntu version that is composed entirely of open source non-restricted software. For experienced Linux enthusiasts, Gobuntu will act as the test bed for developing a user-friendly operating system with no compromise in terms of the open source philosophy.

This initial release comes without any software from the restricted component, and with artwork for usplash and the isolinux CD bootloader.

The full release notes can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/710rc

To Get the Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate CD

To perform a new installation or try out 7.10 "live" from CD, download the Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate (choose the mirror closest to you):


http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Sweden)
http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (The Netherlands)
http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/linux/ubuntu-releases/7.10 (The Netherlands)
http://ie.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Ireland)
http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Italy)
http://gb.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Great Britain)
http://de.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Germany)
http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (France)


http://tw.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Taiwan)
http://mirror.optus.net/ubuntu-releases/7.10 (Australia)


http://za.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (South Africa)

North America:

http://ca.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Canada)
http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (United States)

South America:

http://br.releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Brazil)

Rest of the world:

http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 (Great Britain)

Please download using Bittorrent if possible. For more information about
using Bittorrent, see:


Upgrading from Ubuntu 7.04

To upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 7.10 Release Candidate, follow these instructions:


Feedback and Helping

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu to better meet your future needs, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at


Your comments, bug reports, patches, and suggestions will help turn this release into the best release of Ubuntu ever. Please report bugs through the Launchpad bug tracker:


If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but aren't sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel on FreeNode, on the Ubuntu Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums:


More Information

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop, laptop, thin client, and server, with a fast and easy install. Ubuntu comes in several variants, including Ubuntu Desktop, Server, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, and Xubuntu. The Ubuntu project makes no distinction between a free edition and an enterpri e
edition - this is our best work and it is freely available.

Used by businesses, home users, schools, and governments around the world, Ubuntu offers regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default and professional commercial technical support from Canonical Ltd and hundreds of other companies.

You can find out more about Ubuntu and about this preview release on our website, IRC channel, and wiki. If you are new to Ubuntu, please visit:


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