Debian 10362 Ubuntu 6684 Arch Linux 835 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Steven Barrett has released another Liquorix kernel derived from   Linux kernel 6.13.7. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux. 

Debian 10362 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Ondřej Surý has released updated PHP 8.4.5, 8.3.19, 8.2.28, and 8.1.32 packages for Debian GNU/Linux 11 (Bullseye) LTS and 12 (Bookworm) as well as PHP 8.0.30-13, 7.4.33-18, 7.3.33-24, 7.2.34-54, 7.1.33-67, 7.0.33-79, 5.6.40-81 packages with security backports.

The latest versions of PHP include fixes for bugs in BCMath, Core, DOM, FFI, FPM, GD, LDAP, LibXML, MBString, Opcache, Phar, PHPDBG, Reflection, Standard, Streams, Windows, and Zlib. These fixes address issues such as BCMUL memory leaks, broken stack overflow detection for variable compilation, unhandled match errors, fallback paths in fast_long_{add,sub}_function, OSS-Fuzz, zend_mm_heap corruption, reference counting in php_request_shutdown, imagescale with both width and height negative values, FFI parsing of pointer declaration lists, FPM, GD, LDAP, LibXML, MBString, Opcache, GLXML, MBString, Phar, PHPDBG, Reflection, standard, Streams, zlib, and zlib.

Debian 10362 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Debian project has announced the release of the tenth update for its stable distribution, Debian 12 (codename bookworm). This point release primarily introduces enhancements to address security vulnerabilities and resolves critical issues. Security advisories have been published individually and are cited where applicable. The point release does not represent a new version of Debian 12; it merely updates certain packages included in the distribution. Upon installation, packages may be updated to the latest versions by utilizing a current Debian mirror. The majority of updates are incorporated in the point release.

New installation images will be accessible shortly at the usual locations. To upgrade an existing installation to this revision, direct the package management system to one of the numerous HTTP mirrors provided by Debian. The stable update incorporates several significant bug fixes for the following packages: package-reason, 389-ds-base, dcmtk, dgit, djoser, dns-root-data, edk2, elpa, flightgear, gensim, glibc, golang-github-containers-buildah, intel-microcode, iptables-netflow, jinja2, joblib, lemonldap-ng, libapache-mod-jk, libeconf, librabbitmq, libtar, linux, ltt-control, lttng-modules, mariadb, monero, mozc, ndcube, nginx, node-axios, node-js-sdsl, node-postcss, node-recast, node-redis, node-rollup, openh264, php-nesbot-carbon, postgresql-15, puma, python-django, python-pycdlib, rapiddisk, rsyslog, runit-services, seqan3, and syslog.

Debian 10362 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Debian GNU/Linux has implemented a series of security updates, which include python2.7, pypy, and php8.2:

Debian GNU/Linux 8 (Jessie) Extended LTS:
ELA-1349-1 python2.7 security update

Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch) Extended LTS:
ELA-1348-1 python2.7 security update

Debian GNU/Linux 9 (Stretch) and 10 (Buster) Extended LTS:
ELA-1350-1 pypy security update

Debian GNU/Linux 10 (Buster) Extended LTS:
ELA-1347-1 python2.7 security update

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm):
[DSA 5878-1] php8.2 security update

Debian 10362 Ubuntu 6684 Arch Linux 835 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Steven Barrett has released a new Liquorix kernel derived from   Linux kernel 6.13.6. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux. 

Debian 10362 Ubuntu 6684 Arch Linux 835 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Steven Barrett has released another Liquorix kernel derived from   Linux kernel 6.13.5. The Liquorix Linux kernel is an enthusiast Linux kernel that is optimized for low-latency computing in audiovisual production, reduced frame time variations in games, and unparalleled responsiveness in interactive systems. It is available for Debian, Ubuntu, and Arch Linux.