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Phoronix published an open source Linux graphics card comparison

As alluded to in days earlier after finding major open-source Radeon driver improvements -- including the newer RadeonSI Gallium3D driver -- I've been conducting a fresh graphics card comparison spanning many graphics processors and looking at the latest open-source driver performance on the Intel, NVIDIA, and Radeon fronts under Ubuntu Linux. In this article is a 25-way Intel Haswell HD Graphics vs. AMD Radeon vs. NVIDIA GeForce graphics comparison from Ubuntu 13.10 with the upgraded Linux 3.13 kernel and Mesa 10.1 development driver code to provide a very bleeding edge look at what the open-source drivers have to offer the Linux desktop users.

This article provides very straightforward results of what's easily obtainable for end-users right now with many different GPUs when using the latest Linux graphics drivers. This is a very recent look with using the brand new Linux 3.13 kernel release and then pulling in the Mesa 10.1-devel Git code and other new packages atop Ubuntu 13.10 using the Oibaf PPA. The driver stack used in this article should roughly be equivalent to what should be found in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS when it ships in April.
  25-Way Open-Source Linux Graphics Card Comparison