CentOS 5534 Published by

Karanbir Singh published another update on the upcoming releases of CentOS 5.7 and CentOS 6.1

CentOS-5.7 Status Update
5.7 isos for x86_64 are now done. Working through the distro tests now. Hoping to have these done by the end of Sunday 28th Aug. Issue resolution is backported into the i386 tree, which mostly implies that the i386 tree should build and go through the tests fairly quickly. QA should have both these in place, along with all pending updates, first thing on Monday the 29th Aug.

While a few things that still need to be done, there is only 1 real blocker that I can see at this time - our vault.c.o infra does not have the space for 5.6 and 6.0 to move in at the same time and were working through rehashing that. Its just that moving that much data is taking a bit longer than first estimated. Had hoped to have this finished by now, but it looks like things might still take upto another 48 hrs.
CentOS-6.1 Status Update
CentOS-6 buildsys is now all migrated and back in action, presently running through some test builds.

Aim to have i386/x86_64 rebuilds for isos running first thing in the morning Monday 29th Aug