CentOS 5534 Published by

George Liu updated his modified version of Centmin. Centmin is a script designed to install Nginx, MySQL, PHP and a DNS server for a low-memory environment on CentOS.

Menu based custom Centmin installer script has been officially released. Starting with Centmin 1.2.1-eva2000.14, you will be able to use a menu based Centmin installer.

As stated in comment replies below, I held off adding addition features to my custom Centmin version until I implemented a menu system. I finally got around to implementing a menu system and have started adding additional menu features to beta versions and then to final public release.

You can now recompile Xcache, APC and Memcached servers as well as upgrade Nginx, PHP, and MariaDB 5.2 MySQL. I’ve also added a menu option to add domain names to Nginx virtual host configuration and adding domain names to NSD name server – automatically creating the nsd.conf zone entry and NSD dns zone file. New installations also automatically setup log rotation for Nginx and PHP-FPM log files. If you are using older Centmin 1.2.1-eva2000.xx release there’s also menu options #14 and #15 which setup logrotate for you.

Centmin menu below:

Centmin 1.2.1-eva2000.14 - http://vbtechsupport.com/920/
Menu/Mods Author: eva2000 (vbtechsupport.com)
Centmin Original Author: BTCentral (btcentral.org.uk)
Centmin Menu
1). Centmin Install
2). Add Nginx vhost domain
3). NSD setup domain name DNS
4). Nginx Upgrade
5). PHP Upgrade
6). XCache Re-install
7). APC Cache Re-install
8). XCache Install
9). APC Cache Install
10). Memcached Server Re-install
11). MariaDB 5.2 Upgrade
12). Install ioping.sh vbtechsupport.com/1239/
13). SELinux disable
14). Setup Logrotate for Nginx
15). Setup Logrotate for PHP-FPM
16). Exit
Enter option [ 1 - 16 ]

SSH2 Telnet client tip
If your SSH2 Telnet client options allow for it you can increase the size of your scroll back buffer size to allow larger amounts of outputted text to be shown via scrolling back and forth. This is the option in VanDyke SecureCRT SSH2 telnet client I use. I set my scrollback buffer to maximum size of 128,000 lines.

Here’s my modified Centmin v1.2.1 below which automatically installs the following via bash shell script framework written by BTCentral folks. Updates to my modified version will be updated in this blog post, so bookmark it and check back regularly. Also if you like this post/Centmin mod, feel free to share/vote on social media site links at top of post i.e. facebook, reddit, twitter, google+ etc

Nginx v1.0.6
PHP 5.3.8 php-fpm install
MariaDB 5.2.7 default MySQL server – you’ll want min 512MB of installed memory
Memcached 1.4.7
Memcache v3.0.5 (do not use v3.0.6 doesn’t seem to work properly)
Xcache v1.3.2
APC 3.1.9
Python v2.72
CSF firewall
Siege benchmark and Sproxy.
  Centmin 1.2.1-eva2000.14 released