CentOS 5534 Published by

The September 2015 snapshot of CentOS Linux 7 is now available

I am pleased to announce general availability of the September 2015
snapshot for CentOS Linux. This release includes CentOS Linux 7 iso
based install media, Generic Cloud images, Atomic Host, Docker
containers, Vagrant images, vendor hosted cloud images and live media.

CentOS Linux rolling builds are point in time snapshot media rebuild
from original release time, to include all updates pushed to
mirror.centos.org's repositories. This includes all security, bugfix,
enhancement and general updates for CentOS Linux. Machines installed
from this media will have all these updates pre-included and will look
no different when compared with machines installed with older media
that have been yum updated to the same point in time. All rpm/yum
repos remain on mirror.centos.org with no changes in either layout or

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CentOS Linux 7 / x86_64 install media is available at

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1509-01.iso
Sha: 4fafcd4abd790b7283d50facd4de41deccb62868e27dad37a54b27129222998c

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1509-01.iso
Sha: 73db42de8a555ddac7deb4574efee04b120ed187c82f9a8dff205de83680516a

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1509-01.iso
Sha: 77347e2961088f623965e73f940f644a1662d59874eb8d4cc90275a6e3f0c35f

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CentOS Linux 7 / x86_64 Live Media is also available at :

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-GNOME-1509-01.iso
Sha: bd00d27950c5447f3df70415b338a4d3b0969e97b5040dea611fbfca8c0a38ad

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveKDE-1509-01.iso
Sha: 4286416fbe10697bb10694213f1a61281b3055f7cbb94938d132b8b386f04d08

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveCD-1509-01.iso
Sha: a5874992f1bb6fcc48702f49611164a4810816e7f8cfdd5ac9cd5fe226ddd815

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CentOS Linux 7 / x86_64 Cloud Images are available at :

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1509.qcow2
Sha: 1ed60e89401fcd4fe1b7387452ff41afd617c30e10dd5623438a0231b5694be9

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1509.qcow2c
Sha: 7747e2e4cbac0259e9c6bf0be749ab43778414010d918f56107776b2c3b2e955

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1509.qcow2.xz
Sha: fbada05b9d8067f16138a645376e188c19d0c3cbf93401ba1c5a899ac1eaac81

File: CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1509.raw
Sha: 6167d7a2a40bd78d8ccdf1794fa5e9d44f1df567a3aaa6024022b534e868aa38

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CentOS Atomic Host was released earlier, details for the release are
available at :
- -now/

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CentOS Linux 7 / x86_64 Vagrant images are updated at
https://vagrantcloud.com/centos/boxes/7 and the backing files can be
downloaded for libvirt and virtualbox providers at :


Note that the backing box's are now updated to run with a 40GB disk,
sparse allocated so it does not result in a larger download size.

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CentOS Linux 7 / x86_64 in vendor environments, including Amazon web
services, are being updated and will be released online working
through vendor process's.

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CentOS Linux 5 / 6 and 7 docker images are updated at

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We welcome all feedback around these rolling builds and media updates
at the centos-devel mailing list ( http://lists.centos.org/ ).

  CentOS Linux 7 Rolling Media Sept 2015