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DXVK 0.71 has been released. DXVK is a Vulkan-based compatibility layer to run Direct3D 10/11 applications and games on Linux using Wine.


Added dxgi.maxDeviceMemory and dxgi.maxSharedMemory options to limit the amount of graphics memory reported to the application. This may help fix texture streaming-related issues in 64-bit games that do not support 4096MB or more VRAM (#591)
Added DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME environment variable, which forces DXVK to use a specific Vulkan device. The device name must match exactly and can be retrieved from the log files, or from tools such as vulkaninfo.
Minor overall reduction in CPU overhead

Bug fixes

Minor D3D10 fixes
Fixed incorrect rasterization sample count reported to shaders
Fixed lighting issue in the TressFX 4.0 demo (#598)
Fixed pipeline statistics queries around compute shader invocations
Fixed possible VSync-related issues if the IMMEDIATE present mode is not available
Fixed rare crash or device memory corruption when writing to mapped resources
Fixed rendering to DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM images
Crysis 1: Fixed incorrect SPIR-V shader
World of Tanks: Fixed missing caterpillar traces (#410)

Further notes

Removed a RADV-specific workaround (b51361e) that was necessary for older revisions of Mesa 18.2-git. When using git versions of Mesa, please make sure to update your build.
  DXVK 0.71 released