GNOME 3633 Published by

Geoclue 2.5.1 has been released. Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information.

Here is another release of Geoclue. Changes since 2.5.0:

- Fix libgeoclue ABI break in 2.5.0.
- Use absolute paths for libexecdir.

Release tarball:
sha256sum: 7a9f440cad2d944019cd5b725818c88a5526fd4a12adc7faa53663621146e9aa

Geoclue is a D-Bus service that provides location information. The
goal of the Geoclue project is to make creating location-aware
applications as simple as possible.

Geoclue is Free Software, licensed under GNU GPLv2+. It is developed for Linux.

The aim of project is to utilize all possible sources of geolocation
to best find user's location:

* WiFi-based geolocation (accuracy: in meters)
* GPS(A) receivers (accuracy: in centimeters)
* GPS of other devices on the local network, e.g smartphones
(accuracy: in centimeters)
* 3G modems (accuracy: in kilometers, unless modem has GPS)
* GeoIP (accuracy: city-level)

Geoclue used to also do (reverse-)geocoding but that functionality has
been dropped in favor of geocode-glib library.

D-Bus API documentation:
Library API documentation:


Zeeshan Ali
  Geoclue 2.5.1 released