CentOS 5534 Published by

Mustafa Ramadhan has released a Kloxo 6.1.7 pre-release. Kloxo is a free webhosting software for CentOS to manage clients, resellers, databases, traffic, domains, mail and IPs across multiple locations.

Most codes for Kloxo 6.1.7 already to be release. But, before release need help from users to participate in test.

Why?. The reason is many features in 6.1.7, especially reconstruct apache and lighttpd config structures. With this new structure, apache and lighttpd more 'customize' then previous.

What new in Kloxo 6.1.7 (http://project.lxcenter.org/projects/kloxo/roadmap):

1. New structures for apache and lighttpd

2. More options on 'PHP type' in Apache, add:
- mod_php_ruid2 and mod_php_itk --> mod_php with secure environment
- suphp_worker and suphp_event --> suphp running on httpd-worker or httpd-event; on previous only httpd-prefork

3. Fix bugs:
- xcache install
- database for horde and roundcube
- missing images
- etc

4. Bonus:
- Running well on 64bit (still have some issues; mostly IMAP problem)
- New layout for default/disable/cp/webmail pages
- Possibility change logo on new pages
- new scripts for optimize (apache-optimize, mysql-convert, mysql-optimize, fix-chownchmod, clearcache)
- new scripts for install (kloxo-installer.sh, kloxo-packer.sh and kloxo-patcher.sh)
- modified and new scripts (fixwebmail.sh, fixhorde.sh and fixroundcube.sh)
- etc

1. kloxo pre-install

1.1. Download:
cd /tmp
wget "http://forum.lxcenter.org/index.php?t=getfile&id=1416"
mv index.php* kloxo_pre6.1.7_20110813.zip
unzip kloxo_pre6.1.7_20110813.zip

1.2. Before kloxo install:
cd /tmp/pre-install
sh preinstall.sh

2. kloxo install:

2.1. New kloxo install:
cd /tmp/kloxo
cp -rf /tmp/kloxo/patch/kloxo-install/kloxo-packer.sh ./
sh kloxo-packer.sh --svnpath=branches/6.1.x
cd ./ready
sh kloxo-installer.sh --type=master

2.2. Patch on kloxo 6.1.6 already installed
cd /tmp/kloxo
cp -rf /tmp/kloxo/patch/kloxo-install/kloxo-patcher.sh ./
sh kloxo-patcher.sh --type=master

3. Before testing ruid2 and itk

cd /tmp/kloxo
cp -rf /kloxo/patch/extra-repo/*repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

- delete this kloxo-custom.repo when Kloxo 6.1.7 release
  Kloxo 6.1.7 pre-release available