Debian 10347 Published by has released PHP 5.5.14 packages for Debian Wheezy

This release fixes several bugs against PHP 5.5.13. Also, this release fixes a total of 8 CVEs, half of them concerning the FileInfo extension.

All PHP users are encouraged to upgrade to this new version.

Please, note that this release also fixes a backward compatibility issue that has been detected in the PHP 5.5.13 release. Still, the fix in PHP 5.5.14 may break some very rare situations. As this tiny compatibility break involves security, and as security is our primary concern, we had to fix it. This concerns bug 67072. For more information about this bug and its actual resolution, please visit our upgrading guide. We apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced with this behavior.

PHP 5.5.14 packages are now available on Dotdeb for Debian 7.5 “Wheezy”, on both amd64 and i386 architectures.

The following modules have been packaged too :

apcu 4.0.6
gearman 0.8.3
geoip 1.0.8
imagick 3.1.2
memcache 3.0.8
memcached 2.2.0
mongo 1.5.4
pecl_http 1.7.6
pinba (master)
redis 2.2.5
spplus 1.1
ssh2 0.12
xcache 3.1.0
xdebug 2.2.5
xhprof 0.9.4

php5-mysqlnd can now seamlessly replace php5-mysql for other packages having outdated dependencies. You can now avoid an annoying libmysqlclient warning when using MySQL servers different from 5.5.

Please read the Changelog and the migration guide (be aware of the backward incompatible changes) before upgrading.
  PHP 5.5.14 for Debian Wheezy