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The first release candidate of Scientific Linux 6 (based on RHEL 6) has been released

We have released the first Release Candidate of Scientific Linux 6.
We are now in a feature freeze, and are only fixing bugs.

The release is at

DVD and Net Install downloads are at

Note: The Everything DVD's are not up yet. Expect them tomorrow.

***CHANGED SINCE Beta 3***
yum-conf-sl6x - added
Installing yum-conf-sl6x will keep your SL6 system at the
latest release. As soon as the next release it out, it will
update to it.

Repos were changed to point to 6.0
Mirrorlist was put in the config files, but there currently
aren't any mirrorlist files.

Updated to fix an update bug.

Updated to link to the latest Live images

Removed the option of reporting back to RedHat.

Marked as the release version

Marked as the release version

If you are on a x86_64 machine, install the adobe repo, and install
flash-plugin and/or AdobeReader_enu, you will get AdobeReader_ in addition to what you asked for. You will also get many
i686 packages installed for dependancies.

There are not mirrorlists files for the sl repositories

This is the proposed roadmap. These dates can always slip. We will not
release until we are ready.

RC 2 - February 25, 2011
- All bugs of previous week fixed.
- Documentation

RC 2.5 - Sometime in the first week of March, 2011
- This is really the release, down to the documentation.
- If there is no further bugs, RC 2.5 images are declared the official
release images.
- If there is a show stopping bug, we will have a RC 2.75

Release - A day or two after RC 2.5 - Hopefully in the first week of March.

Thanks to everyone who has tested and helped thus far.

The Scientific Linux Development Team
  Scientific Linux 6 Release Candidate 1