Reviews 52215 Published by

ZDNet published a review on SolydX (Xfce) and SolydK (KDE)

I remember very well when Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) first appeared, and I thought this might be 'the one', a distribution with the excellence of Linux Mint and without the baggage of Ubuntu.

My hopes were high, and if you go back and read some of my posts during that time it shows in the way I wrote about it. Then there were rumors that there might be a KDE version of LMDE, and I thought that would be Nirvana for sure.

Alas, it seemed like the real world caught up with us: the KDE version never materialized, and the Gnome version changed from 'rolling release' to 'Update Packs', and the interval between Update Packs sometimes seemed to stretch out forever.
  SolydXK hands on: Two good Linux distributions with a solid base