Debian 10353 Published by

The following Debian 7 packages are no longer supported: libv8, mediawiki, sogo, and vlc

Package : debian-security-support
Version : 2016.05.24~deb7u1

The Debian Long Term Support (LTS) Team is unable to continue supporting
different packages in the extended life cycle of Wheezy LTS. The
debian-security-support package provides the check-support-status tool that
helps to warn the administrator about installed packages whose security support
is limited or has to prematurely end.

debian-security-support version 2016.05.24~deb7u1 updates the list of packages
with restricted support in Wheezy LTS, adding the following:

Source Package Last supported version EOL date Additional information
* libv8 2016-02-06
* mediawiki 1:1.19.20+dfsg-0+deb7u3 2016-04-26
* sogo 1.3.16-1 2016-05-19
* vlc 2.0.3-5+deb7u2 2016-02-06

If you rely on those packages on a system running Debian 7 "Wheezy", we
recommend you to upgrade to Debian 8 "Jessie", the current stable release.
Note however that the mediawiki support has also ended in Jessie.

We recommend you to install the debian-security-support package to verify the
support status of the packages installed on the system.

More information about Debian LTS can be found at: