Slackware 1134 Published by

Distrowatch posted a story that a new version of Wifislax, a Slackware-based live CD with a collection of utilities designed to perform various security and forensics taks has been released

Version 4.7 is built from packages released recently as part of the new Slackware Linux 14.1. It ships with Linux kernel 3.10.18 in "normal" or PAE variants and includes two desktop environments - KDE 4.10.5 and Xfce 4.11, the latter of which is a development version compiled by the distribution's maintainer. As always, a good collection of XZM modules is available to extend the functionality of the Wifislax live CD; these include image, video and audio applications, multimedia players, various FTP and P2P clientes and many others. Most software packages have been upgraded to their latest versions.

  Wifislax 4.7 Live CD released