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The Wine development release 2.0-rc2 is now available

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 2.0-rc2 (total 20):

31222 Hitman: Blood Money crashes when changing screen resolution
31309 TIE Fighter: Collector's Edition Crash - 'Escape Menu' Freezes Application.
32632 Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 does not load with timeout error
34829 wintrust:softpub crashes on Windows 8
35495 sharing violation and prompt for copy /B file1+file2 file1
38357 Cannot install download-audiograbber.exe
39430 Ride : The motorcycle game does not start
40256 user32:input fails on non-qwerty keyboards
40344 shell32:assoc regression (privilege issue)
40386 wininet:url regression caused by new cross-compiler
40978 Wrong colors on i915 and similar GPUs in GTA Vice City
41083 Red Faction: Guerrilla fails to start with DX11 renderer
41133 R32/R16 typeless formats generate incomplete FBO errors when used as a render target (Gauntlet, WoW with D3D11 renderer)
41141 gcc6: d3drm build warnings
41252 Helldivers gives this error when trying to run on MacOS
41630 Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum crashes on exit
41715 winhttp:winhttp test regression (test_secure_connection)
41717 webservices:writer test regression in test_datetime
41949 Pasting into IDA Pro stops working on macOS
41956 Regression in wininet crashes skype


Changes since 2.0-rc1:

Alexandre Julliard (1):
ntdll: Check for invalid WINEARCH values.

Andrew Eikum (1):
msacm32: Fix copy-paste error.

Andrey Gusev (1):
hlink: Add missing parameter to TRACE() message.

Aric Stewart (1):
ime: Do not send WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION on CPS_COMPLETE if there is no composition.

Bruno Jesus (1):
xinput1_3/tests: Add interactive tests.

Fabian Maurer (2):
wininet: Changed usage of UrlEscapeW to fit winapi behavior.
shlwapi: Changed UrlEscapeW error paths and add tests.

Hans Leidekker (1):
winhttp: Handle EINTR from connect and poll.

Hugh McMaster (3):
kernel32: Use Emacs keymap mode immediately after wineconsole configuration change.
kernel32: Check for a valid pointer before yanking the line.
appwiz.cpl: Remove list entries left over from an earlier uninstall.

Jacek Caban (1):
wininet: Get rid of no longer needed INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER in get_server.

Józef Kucia (14):
wined3d: Add suport for 2D array texture UAVs.
d3d11/tests: Add test for 2D array texture UAVs.
wined3d: Use depth/stencil formats for typeless resources only when WINED3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL is set.
d3d11/tests: Add test for depth/stencil shader resource views.
wined3d: Recognize SM5 vCoverage input registers.
wined3d: Recognize SM4.1 oMask output register.
wined3d: Recognize SM5 atomic_imax opcode.
wined3d: Recognize SM5 atomic_imin opcode.
d3d10core/tests: Port test_primitive_restart() from d3d11.
d3d9/tests: Add test showing WM_SIZE is not sent during fullscreen mode change.
wined3d: Filter messages for fullscreen mode changes.
wined3d: Remove depth/stencil format flags from typeless formats.
d3d11/tests: Use single typeless RT with multiple RTVs in test_uav_load().
d3d11/tests: Improve trace() message about compute shader support via SM4.

Ken Thomases (1):
winemac: Update the clipboard when the process activates.

Lauri Kenttä (2):
kernel32/tests: Test FindFirstFile with wildcards.
kernel32/tests: Show flags as text in test results.

Michael Müller (1):
wininet: Handle INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER in HttpOpenRequest.

Mingcong Bai (1):
po: Update Simplified Chinese translation.

Nikolay Sivov (9):
scrrun/tests: Test to query for IUnknown from IProvideClassInfo.
dwrite: Fix a typo in assertion condition (Coverity).
msi: Fix handling of NULL buffer in MsiGetProductPropertyW() (Coverity).
comctl32/tests: Trackbar test to show that thumb is updated on TBM_SETTICFREQ.
comctl32/trackbar: Update thumb unconditionally on TBM_SETTICFREQ.
shell32: Don't access uninitialized buffer (Coverity).
dwrite/tests: Run GetPanose() tests on all system fonts.
secur32: Trace flags in hex in InitializeSecurityContextW().
scrrun: Remove unreachable code (Coverity).
  Wine2.0-rc2 released