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The Wine development release 1.7.23 is now available. This release feature initial support for 64-bit Android builds

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Better support for files drag & drop.
- Improvements to the HTTP cookie management.
- Initial support for 64-bit Android builds.
- Fixes to crypto certificates management.
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 1.7.23 (total 42):

16465 "Trial" button doesn't show in main menu of Nick's "Diego's Wolf Pup Rescue"
16940 Adobe InDesign CS4 (version 6) crashes on launch
18065 Certain keyboard buttons not working in Operation Flashpoint and Fallout (2 and 3)
19432 Icy Tower 1.4 crashes when moving its window
21712 Stem Cell engine Oil Platform Demo hangs without displaying anything
21877 Dark Age of Camelot patcher crashes from page fault
23374 Strange Cases: The Lighthouse Mysteries crashes
28557 Notepad++ does not receive drag+drop files in KDE, seems to work in GNOME
29449 USPS shipping assistant version 3.8 won't start (Microsoft SQL Server Compact database metadata incorrectly decrypted, enh. RSA AES-128 provider)
29908 Win7 File Open dialog fails to fill in the OPENFILENAME structure
30927 Alien Shooter crashes when dying, no backtrace
30973 Unsupported symbol id warnings when backtracing with Visual C 2010 .pdb files
32189 SigmaPlot 11.0 fails to start
32313 .Net 2.0 Installation Fail
32499 hwcheck.exe from PPTV crashes
33109 Desura fails to update
33267 Wine not run applications and scram the incons do Xfce.
33742 UPlay 3.x/4.x needs native crypt32
34563 Regression: rFactor 2 ModMgr.exe buttons not working properly
35326 Reason 7.0.1 needs 'd2d1.dll'
35441 VBScript CInt can't convert strings to integers
35472 E-Transcript Bundle Viewer 6.x installer uses VBScript MsgBox function with optional arguments
35473 Microsoft Word Viewer 2003 crashes on unimplemented function t2embed.dll.TTDeleteEmbeddedFont when opening Word 201x documents
35742 Drakensang: The Dark Eye demo crashes with unimplemented function d3dx9_36.dll.D3DXCreateTorus
35776 Crysis is extremely slow in Wine 1.7.14
35966 postgresql 9.3.4-3 fails to install (cscript/vbscript)
36004 wininet/http tests crash with WINEDEBUG=warn+heap
36128 valgrind shows a leak in programs/wineconsole/registry.c
36314 valgrind shows a leak in psapi/tests/psapi_main.c
36512 client_rzrq.exe from AnXin crash when using the new style interface.
36545 REAPER 4.x crashes on exit
36601 valgrind shows a definite leak in wininet/tests/internet.c
36723 SolidEdge ST6 crashes on startup, needs bcrypt.dll.BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider
36731 Runes of Magic 'ClientUpdater.exe' crashes after a number of update cycles (mshtml environment setup contains stack buffer overflow)
36741 Windows Live Writer 14.0.x fails to detect blog settings (HTMLMetaElement_get_charset is a stub)
36765 AES 128 works different on "Win7" and on "Wine win7"
36787 Gex 3D renders very slowly since Wine 1.7.14
36802 warn:winmm:get_mmioFromProfile can't find SystemSound
36823 Rift (Steam) launcher/patcher needs kernel32.GetGeoInfoA 'GEO_ISO2' support (ISO 2-letter country/region code)
36860 Molot VST stop working in Wine 1.7.20
36886 ST visual develop 4.3.0: crash when new workplace and project name is entered and OK is pressed
36890 DAEMON Tools Ultra 1.x/2.x virtual driver installer 'dtinst.exe' crashes on unimplemented function setupapi.dll.SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW


Changes since 1.7.22:

Akihiro Sagawa (9):
ole32/tests: Add CoGetPSClsid WOW64 registry tests.
ole32: Add KEY_WOW64 support in wrapper registry functions.
ole32: Search 32-bit registry in 64-bit CoGetPSClsid and vice versa.
oleaut32/tests: Add registry view flag to myRegDeleteTreeW like RegDeleteKeyEx.
oleaut32/tests: Add more test cases that proxy stub interface is on one side.
oleaut32: Use the alternate interface key if not present on current view.
msi: Move set_installed_prop() call because platform information is needed in it.
msi/tests: Add non-existence value tests for mixed package.
msi/tests: Add CLSID registry tests for mixed package.

Alexandre Julliard (15):
cmd: Use array indexing syntax to access array members.
ntdll: Use a custom signal restorer for Android.
riched20/tests: Fix test on 64-bit.
configure: Improve the check for the resolver library.
configure: Add a check for sys/ucontext.h and include it where appropriate.
ntdll: Directly use ucontext_t instead of SIGCONTEXT on all platforms.
ntdll: Use the standard mcontext_t type for the signal context on Android.
libwine: Update LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the current process from the JNI environment.
libwine: No longer look for libraries in the dll path on Android.
vnbt.vxd: Include winsock2.h before other headers.
secur32/tests: Include winsock2.h before other headers.
winhttp/tests: Include winsock2.h before other headers.
loader: Avoid ELF32_ST_INFO macro that is missing on Android.
ntdll: Define arch_prctl since it is missing on Android.
scrrun/tests: Allow the drive total size to fit into an int.

Andrei Slăvoiu (3):
wined3d: Remove usage of gl_info parameter from select_card_nvidia_binary.
wined3d: Remove usage of gl_info parameter from select_card_amd_binary.
wined3d: Remove the gl_info parameter from select_card callbacks.

Austin English (2):
dbghelp: Ignore a few more symbol ids.
setupapi: Add a stub for SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW.

Bruno Jesus (15):
rsaenh/tests: Make the tests pass in Windows
  Wine 1.7.23 released