Software 43067 Published by

The Wine maintenance release 1.8.5 is now available

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Various bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 1.8.5 (total 58):

16971 Windows Movie Maker 2.x needs ole32.dll.StgOpenPropStg
19538 Microsoft Publisher 2007 and 2010 crash when opening documents/templates (TSF manager 'ITextStoreACPSink' must support QI with 'IID_ITextStoreACPServices')
20896 Use-after-free in DdeClientTransaction in user32 dde tests
23298 Windows utility 'relog.exe' crashes on unimplemented function 'pdh.dll.PdhGetLogFileTypeW'
24645 PDF Factory 3.x/4.x installer fails to install printer drivers (winspool.SetPrinterW lacks support for level 8, global default printer settings)
31693 CAPCOM games using gamepad start with axes X/Y pressed up/left
31913 EasyPal version August 6 2012 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp60.dll.??Dstd@@YA?AV?$complex@N@0@ABNABV10@@Z
32491 dbghelp doesn't support DW_FORM_flag_present
32936 SmartMusic 2012/2014 crashes on startup (Core Audio adapter 'PKEY_DeviceInterface_FriendlyName' property not supported)
33140 Photos opened in Nikon Capture NX 2.4 have inverted red and blue channel for displaying.
33398 Word / Excel 2010: crash when clicked (2nd or 3rd times) on a link
33457 An integer overflow @line 268 of dsa.c ?
34281 PlotSoft PDFill 10 fails on startup, reports 'No Fonts found under: C:\\windows\\Fonts' (at least one font name in registry must contain 'truetype' token)
34286 dinput doesn't report DIDOI_ASPECT* for joystick axes
34504 __unDName doesn't support function pointer with type "P8"
34507 __unDName doesn't support data type "$$B"
34870 Multiple games and applications crash on unimplemented function msvcr100.dll _crt_debugger_hook (ArchiCAD 16, Far Cry 4)
35286 Borderlands (Steam) crashes on unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._crt_debugger_hook
35824 UltraISO 'ISODrive.sys' crashes in entry point (SCM doesn't start SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER type services with winedevice hosting process)
35892 sdb2xml (.NET 2.0 app) crashes on unimplemented function apphelp.dll.SdbGetAppPatchDir
36625 can't set text background color in richedit
38276 IsDialogMessage(NULL,...) must always return FALSE
38310 Trackbar control (msctls_trackbar32) does not send WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC as it does in Windows
39034 SuperTux 0.3.5a crashes on startup
39074 IXMLDOMDocument::cloneNode crash
39181 "When Monster Strikes", "The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux" require msvcr120.dll._set_FMA3_enable
39195 msvcr120.dll.nextafter is needed by Sonkwo
39475 PhysX 9.15.0428 installer does not run ('advapi32.RegOpenCurrentUser' must return a real handle instead of 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' for user root key)
39677 Zararadio crashes when it has to change from a playlist to another.
39744 No sound with winepulse.drv in multiple applications when PulseAudio fails to allocate full buffer
39792 Saturn PCB Design Toolkit 6.86 fails to load, reporting missing 'SHCore.dll' dependency (import descriptors with empty thunk list must be ignored)
39823 "fixme:nls:CompareStringEx semi-stub behavor for flag(s) 0x10000000" appears thousands of times in terminal when running the Lego Mindstorms EV3 software
39852 3DMark03: Mother Nature test: waterfall has no transparency if AllwaysOffScreen=disabled
39861 Windows utility 'relog.exe' crashes on unimplemented function 'pdh.dll.PdhBindInputDataSourceW'
39874 Alien Shooter crashes often with access violation
39892 UFile crashes with runtime error when rendering certain pages
39950 Cabal II can't be opened, needs msvcp100.dll.?lowest@?$numeric_limits@M@std@@SAMXZ
40034 Linksys usb wireless adapter installer needs wlanapi.dll.WlanEnumInterfaces
40035 VMware shared folders network provider fails loading in MPR
40411 Regedit.exe /e only exports HKLM
40580 TASCAM US-16x08 soundcard controller crashes
40734 Unreal Tournament 3 doesn't quit properly when Pulseaudio is used
40757 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s
40758 GOG Galaxy crashes with unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll._get_wide_winmain_command_line
40815 comctl32: Leftmost position of trackbar not selectable with mouse, slider initial position wrong
40882 Nvidia GT 740M is not correctly recognized
40905 Multiple applications need api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll._get_narrow_winmain_command_line (PCSX2 1.4.0, Battle.Net Launcher)
41010 TVS_TRACKSELECT uses wrong hittest region
41015 comctl32/treeview: Alt-Up/Down keyboard shortcuts don't work
41040 VariantChangeTypeEx lead to error when casting IUnknown(nil) -> IDispatch
41044 Age of Mythology: Extended Edition needs api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll.__stdio_common_vswprintf_s
41066 Unhandled page fault in RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx when passed bad *old_value pointer
41079 Hauppauge Capture crashes on unimplemented function cfgmgr32.dll.CM_Get_Version
41094 comctl32/treeview: TVS_FULLROWSELECT style does not work
41103 Fails to parse Extended Properties since it has quotes around its value.
41111 CPU-Z driver needs hal.dll.WRITE_PORT_UCHAR
41165 MiTeC System Information X needs unimplemented function wlanapi.dll.WlanCloseHandle
41182 Don't export QT_QPA_PLATFORM


Changes since 1.8.4:

Akihiro Sagawa (1):
comctl32: Prevent invalid focus change notifications from LVS_OWNERDATA lists.

Alex Henrie (2):
ole32: Implement StgCreatePropStg.
ole32: Implement StgOpenPropStg.

Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
comctl32/trackbar: Use WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC when painting background.

Andrew Church (1):
dinput: Report DIDOI_ASPECTPOSITION flag for axes objects.

Andrew Eikum (3):
winepulse.drv: Buffer data locally when needed.
winepulse.drv: Don't hold PA-owned buffer between capture callbacks.
mmdevapi: Fix some DEVPKEY definitions.

Andrey Melnikov (1):
gdi32: Handle NULL filename in GetICMProfileA().

AndrÃ:copyright: Hentschel (3):
winspool: Implement SetPrinterW for level 8.
hal: Add WRITE_PORT_UCHAR stub.
msvcrt: Don't continue on demangle failure (Coverity).

Austin English (6):
pdh: Add PdhGetLogFileTypeA/W stubs.
pdh: Add PdhBindInputDataSourceA/W stubs.
kernel32: Make CompareStringEx semi-stub flag FIXME only show once.
wlanapi: Add a stub for WlanEnumInterfaces.
wlanapi: Add WlanCloseHandle() stub.
apphelp: Add SdbGetAppPatchDir stub.

Benjamin Hodgetts (1):
wined3d: Add Nvidia 1XXX range to detection list.

Bruno Jesus (1):
dinput: Use the correct index to remap the axis.

Daniel Lehman (1):
ucrtbase: Add some wide functions called on startup.

Jacek Caban (2):
mshtml: Fixed OnStopBinding if it's called called after we aborted document binding.
mshtml: Properly convert VT_NULL to string in get_elem_attr_value_by_dispid.

Jeremy Audiger (1):
wined3d: Add Nvidia GT 740M to the GPU list.

Joerg Schiermeier (1):
loader/wine.inf: Correct wrong symlink.

Kenneth Haley (1):
v4 resend: Riched20: allow setting background text color.

Matt Robinson (1):
ntdll: Catch page fault in RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx.

Nikolay Sivov (21):
gdi32: Keep font tables tags defined in one place.
gdi32: Support special 'ttcf' tag in GetFontData().
oleaut32: Fix return value when converting from NULL interface pointers.
ucrtbase: Added __stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s().
ucrtbase: Added __stdio_common_vswprintf_s().
comctl32/treeview: Handle WM_SYSKEYDOWN.
comctl32/treeview: Set hot item when hovering over item, not entire row.
ucrtbase: Implement _get_narrow_winmain_command_line/_get_wide_winmain_command_line.
comctl32/trackbar: Update thumb on range change.
comctl32/trackbar: Fix mouse position to thumb position conversion rounding.
dbghelp: Recognize DW_FORM_flag_present.
oledb32: Support quoted values in initialisation strings.
setupapi: Added CM_Get_Version().
user32: Handle invalid dialog handles in IsDialogMessage().
gdi32: Append "TrueType" suffix to registry key names.
advapi32: Make RegOpenCurrentUser() return real key handles for current SID.
msxml3: Fix cloneNode() for document nodes.
comctl32/treeview: Fix hot-tracking with TVS_FULLROWSELECT.
comctl32/treeview: Fill full row for TVS_FULLROWSELECT style.
msctf: Make ITextStoreACPSink a part of context object.
msctf: Added stub ITextStoreACPServices support for context ITextStoreACPSink.

Pierre Schweitzer (1):
mpr: Add support for REG_EXPAND_SZ for providers path.

Piotr Caban (7):
msvcp100: Add numeric_limits::lowest implementation.
msvcp60: Export more complex numbers operators.
msvcr120: Add _set_FMA3_enable stub.
msvcrt: Add support for member function pointers demangling in unDName function.
msvcrt: Add support for $$B datatype description format in unDName.
msvcp120: Add vtordisp field to classes with virtual base.
msvcrt: Add _crt_debugger_hook implementation.

Sebastian Lackner (3):
kernel32: Do not inherit QT_* environment variables to Windows environment.
ntdll: Skip unused import descriptors when loading libraries.
services: Start SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER services with winedevice.

Stefan Dösinger (2):
d3d8: Don't validate 2D texture lock coordinates.
wined3d: Rotate through swapchain buffers.

Thomas Faller (1):
dde: Fix use-after-free.

Xiaoshan Sun (1):
comctl32/dsa: Handle overflow in DSA_InsertItem().

YongHao Hu (1):
msvcr120: Enable MSVCRT__nextafterf when _MSVCR_VER>=120.
  Wine 1.8.5 released