The Wine development release 2.0-rc6 is now available
Barring last minute regressions, this is expected to be the lastWine 2.0-rc6 released
release candidate for 2.0.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Bug fixes only, we are in code freeze.
The source is available from the following locations:
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
You will find documentation on
You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
Bugs fixed in 2.0-rc6 (total 21):
11179 NO$GBA 2.6a debugger GUI buttons are not stacked
19862 CodeCreatures crashes.
28672 VirtualDub: crash when using directx for display panes
33859 Visual Web Developer Express 2008 crashes when clicking "Browse" (bug in PropertySheet common control)
34127 FIFA 2000 demo crashes after 'Press Any Key'
35669 Space Giraffe: text between levels (and on level selection screen) is corrupted / unreadable
36525 Ctrl+C does not copy in the chat scrollback
38305 SMARegisTry Backup installer: corrupted window title
38845 launcher shows white screen with WINEPREFIX Windows version > 'Windows XP' (builtin 'd3dcompiler_46.dll' is not mature enough)
38850 crypt32/tests: chain test fails on Debian Jessie
39642 crashes when you try to resize the window when "allow the window manager to decorate the windows" is unchecked.
40096 Pendulumania: Black screen
40781 KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool (using MATLAB Runtime (MCR)) "Could not successfully parse URI string"
41001 64-bit Core Temp 1.x kernel driver 'ALSysIO.sys' crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.RtlUnwindEx
41218 curl 7.50: HTTPS fails with InitializeSecurityContext failed: SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN
41290 DirectShow applications: MP3 playback is broken if winegstreamer is disabled
42020 Tompi Jones fails creating user profile
42211 redefinition of typedef 'REFERENCE_TIME'
42228 bcrypt:bcrypt test regression (test_aes)
42229 advapi32:eventlog test regression (privilege issue in test_start_trace)
42243 3DMark11 installer crashes with access violation in Freetype because font data is released too early
Changes since 2.0-rc5:
AndrÃHentschel (6):
oleview: Remove dead assignments (clang).
winebrowser: Fix allocation count (Coverity).
regedit: Remove dead assignment (clang).
iphlpapi/tests: Add test for AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack.
iphlpapi/tests: Fix usage of broken().
ntdll: Fix some spec file entries.
Austin English (1):
ntoskrnl.exe: Forward RtlUnwindEx to ntdll.
Bruno Jesus (1):
msacm32: Reduce block align condition scope to test covered drivers.
Hans Leidekker (3):
advapi32/tests: Skip StartTrace tests if the user doesn't have admin rights.
bcrypt/tests: Relax the AES object length test.
msvcp120/tests: Fix test failures on Windows XP.
Henri Verbeet (1):
wined3d: Add GPU information for AMD TONGA.
Huw D. M. Davies (10):
secur32/tests: Fix test failures on Windows 10.
kernel32/tests: Windows 10 accepts locale names like "zz-ZZ" and "foo".
kernel32/tests: Fix the invariant locale's country abbreviation on Windows 10.
kernel32/tests: Skip testing the translated invariant names on non US-English locales.
msctf/tests: Fix usage of test_ShouldDeactivate which is a BOOL.
msctf/tests: Fix tests on Windows 8 and 10.
msctf/tests: Return if the constructor fails. This avoids several clang warnings.
user32/tests: Windows 10 no longer supports setting bpp to zero.
msxml3/tests: Windows 10 no longer supports variants by reference, so pass it directly.
wintrust/tests: Zero-init error array to prevent failures on 64-bit.
Jacek Caban (2):
urlmon: Correctly handle INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE notification with no data available.
kernel32/tests: Improved pipe CloseHandle tests.
Jarkko Korpi (1):
winex11.drv: Add 640x400 mode to virtual desktop.
Józef Kucia (2):
ddraw/tests: Rewrite StructSizeTest().
d3d9/tests: Remove redundant state setting calls.
Marcus Meissner (1):
shell32/tests: Fixed CharLowerBuffA size.
Michael Müller (2):
dsound: Respect return value of callback in DirectSoundEnumerateA/W.
wined3d: Do not set DDCAPS_ALIGNBOUNDARYSRC caps for ddraw.
Michael Stefaniuc (3):
wrc: Remove a wrong comment.
po: Fixes and more updates for the Romanian translation.
ddraw/tests: Remove some no longer needed broken(TRUE).
Nikolay Sivov (2):
dwrite: Let freetype face cache manage lifetime of requested file fragments.
uxtheme/tests: Some tests for buffered painting API.
Samuele Guerrini (1):
winebus.sys: Buffer length check fix.
Sebastian Lackner (2):
include: Avoid duplicate definition of REFERENCE_TIME.
comctl32/tests: Add tests for PROPSHEET_InsertPage.