Linux 3058 Published by

Release Candidate 5 of Wine development release 1.2 is now available.

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Many translation updates.
- A lot of bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

WineHQ - Wine Binary Downloads

You will find documentation on WineHQ - Documentation

You can also get the current source directly from the git repository. Check git for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 1.2-rc5:

3756 ATMEL AVRStudio4 crash
8665 winecfg: please do not remove not-present directories
11188 Most attempts to save in Warcraft III 1.21a Reign of Chaos crash the game
12973 QIP: Does not work
13028 winetest's Stop button does not work
13891 start.exe Esselbach Storyteller CMS PHP Content Management does not work (affects any app that invokes external browser, e.g. Google Sketchup)
14319 When running Call of Duty 2, the text in the main game menu is blocky and unreadable.
14554 FLSynthmaker menus show up on the wrong screen in Xinerama mode
15567 Navision 4.0 sp2 stoped to work when wine upgraded to version 1.1.5
15728 star wars force commander graphics are blocky
16001 Quicken crashes when attempting to load files.
16342 Songbird can't play music files
16368 installer need access to My Documents
16670 Angry Planet Temper (app does not start) starting problems give some dll differences
18314 The Witcher: Launcher window invisible (taskbar enty appears)
18450 EVE Online crashes
18710 Installer omits question because of langid
18808 Microsoft FlightSimulator 9 (2004): surface errors and missing textures
19154 Recent Blizzard Downloader crashing during download
19394 Quicken 2007 Basic Crashes on file load
19419 EVE Online crashes when loading Caldari station environment
20084 winetricks -q controlpad fails
20145 DrawIconEx() doesn't draw 1 bpp monochrome Icons correctly
20155 FlatOut 2 - some UI elements shown as transparent white instead of correct color
20698 FlatOut 2 - Screen is rendered as black (HUD and menus are working)
20816 Civilization II crashes on startup when sound is enabled in Wine
20821 Fusion Sega emulator renders content misplaced
20848 Pumuckl: regained sound but crashes at start (16bit mm)
21125 Asteroids game crashes when sound is enabled
21498 Metatrader 4: window gets lost after minimize
21509 Windows 7 SDK aborts on startup because of unimplemented gdiplus.GdipGetImageThumbnail
21962 Call of Duty 4 crashes
22003 Napoleon: Total War demo has no sound
22311 PlayOnline viewer corrupts terminal console
22684 Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II screen flips when picking up an item
22685 unimplemented function msvcr90.dll._wmakepath_s (affects Spiceworks)
22897 Mouse cursor is damaged when DCOM98 is used
22990 Lotus Organizer and Word Pro will not print
23025 D-Pad is not functional in epsxe
23112 flash player install crashes
23169 GeForce FX: Extremely low performance with NPOT textures
23171 Adobe CS4 installer causes a page fault
23201 Motocross Madness 2 crashes at start (d3d)
23238 Repton 3: crashes when viewing map (unhandled page fault on write)
23241 Icons are blacked out/blank in some Altium Designer 2009 GUI elements
23242 Windows Platform SDK 2003 installer crashes
23263 Moon Tycoon gets stuck in loop saying No Direct3D / Switching to software rasterizer.
23274 Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II screen blue-tearing when picking up an item
23306 AOE III: Polish patch v1.13 fails to apply
23314 cmd treats all command lines with '/?' as builtin commands


Changes since 1.2-rc4:

Akihiro Sagawa (9):
hhctrl.ocx: Add Japanese translation.
comdlg32: Update Japanese translation.
gphoto2.ds: Add Japanese translation.
mapi32: Add Japanese translation.
localspl: Update Japanese translation.
shdoclc: Add Japanese translation.
winspool.drv: Add Japanese translation.
jscript: Add Japanese translation.
shdoclc: Fix Japanese translation.

Alessandro Pignotti (1):
winedevice: Use 64-bit wide delta when relocating.

Alexandre Julliard (20):
hlink/tests: Comment out a test for an uninitialized return value.
ntdll: Fix the initial FPU control word on 64-bit.
shell32/tests: Use the windows directory for the SHParseDisplayName test to avoid ambiguous namings.
user32: Fallback to English in MessageBoxIndirect if the specified language is not supported.
advapi32: Make rpcrt4 a delayed import to work around circular dependencies with native.
ntdll: Fix the initial FPU control word on 32-bit too.
jscript/tests: Fix a test that fails because of the reduced FPU precision.
psapi/tests: Fix the working set tests for Wow64.
ntdll/tests: Fix some exception tests for Wow64.
kernel32: Add the TlsAlloc/FreeInternal entry points.
user32/tests: Add more systematic tests to validate the DDE client-side AW conversions.
user32/tests: Fix some DDE test failures on Win9x.
kernel32: Avoid returning the same name when GetTempFileName is called twice in a short interval.
ntdll: Add a WINEARCH environment variable that allows forcing a specific 32- or 64-bit architecture.
user32/tests: Restructure the DDE end-to-end tests to make it easier to add new cases.
user32/tests: Add some Unicode test cases for A/W mappings.
user32/tests: Fix more DDE test failures on Win9x.
user32: Add a heuristic for Unicode mappings of DDE data on the server side.
Revert "winebrowser: Convert URL obtained through DdeGetData to Unicode."
shell32: Fix DDE command tracing now that we are receiving Unicode.

Andrew Nguyen (6):
ddraw: Validate structure pointers and sizes in IDirect3D3::FindDevice.
ddraw: Allow the ddraw RGB device to be enumerated in IDirect3D3::FindDevice.
ddraw/tests: Add an observation regarding device color model criteria for IDirect3D3::FindDevice.
msvcrt: Implement _makepath_s.
msvcrt: Implement _wmakepath_s.
gdiplus: Add a few additional traces to gdiplus image functions.

Andrey Turkin (1):
ntdll: Fix race in NtRead/WriteFile.

AndrÃ:copyright: Hentschel (13):
winedump: Update README.
cmd: Update German translation.
user32: Update comment.
krnl386.exe16: Update a comment.
winemaker: Ignore the Global section.
winemaker: Ignore files not found by the search function.
winemaker: Warn on include path starting with drive letter.
winemaker: Don't use deprecated -mcpu option.
uxtheme: Quiet a noisy fixme.
winetest: Implement aborting.
kernel32: Update a warning.
wineps.drv: Update comments.
winetest: Also abort while sending.

Aric Stewart (2):
winex11.drv: Make UploadGlyph fallback to notdef and space so as to not fail.
shlwapi: URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL flag only unescapes file urls in UrlCanonicalize.

Aurimas Fišeras (1):
cmd: Update Lithuanian translation.

Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
comctl32: Add a bunch of imagelist storage tests, make them pass under Wine.

Dylan Smith (5):
winemine: Native RegisterClassEx requires cbSize to be set.
shell32: Native RegisterClassEx requires cbSize to be set.
shdocvw: Native RegisterClassEx requires cbSize to be set.
wordpad: Remove untranslated resources from the Chinese translation.
wordpad: Use correct resource ID for tab stops dialog.

Eric Pouech (2):
mmsystem.drv: Always map parameters for all callback kinds.
mmsystem.drv: Always create a thunk for MMIO objects.

Florian Köberle (1):
comctl32/tests: Test calculating the rect of a child item while handling TVN_ITEMEXPANDED.

Francois Gouget (27):
crypt32/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to ok() calls.
d3d10/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to ok() calls.
msvcrt/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
opengl32/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to a skip() call.
usp10/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
msvcrt/tests: Make test_dup2() static.
shlwapi/tests: Make the XXX_Construct() functions static.
ntdll: Fix a typo in a parameter name.
ws2_32/tests: Fix a typo in a variable name.
msvcr90/tests: Make test_invalid_parameter_handler() static.
winemenubuilder: Add a trailing '\n' to a FIXME() call.
msvcr100: The msvcr100 debug channel is unused so remove it.
mmdevapi/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
wined3d: Remove spaces after '\n's.
shell32/tests: Make I{DataObject,ShellBrowser}Impl_Construct() static.
d3dxof: Make fdi_{alloc,free}() static.
d3dx9_36: Make assemble_shader() static.
gdiplus: Make measure_ranges_callback() static.
wordpad: Make print_preview() and preview_page_hittest() static.
kernel32: GetProcessDword() is unused so remove it.
usbd.sys: Fix the test for type control endpoints.
winecfg: The winecfg debug channel is unused so remove it.
programs: Remove spaces before '\n's in the resources.
winhlp32: Remove a space before an ellipsis in the Dutch translation.
wineboot: Remove a space before an ellipsis in the Norwegian (Bokmal) translation.
programs: Add a space before ellipses in the Slovenian translation.
Assorted typo and spelling fixes.

FrÃ:copyright::copyright:ric Delanoy (2):
cmd: Initial PATH value taken from registry, not wine.conf.
cmd: Update French translation.

Gustavo Henrique MilarÃ:copyright: (21):
winecfg: Update Portuguese translation.
wordpad: Update Portuguese translation.
browseui: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
appwiz.cpl: Update Portuguese translation.
notepad: Fix Portuguese translation.
credui: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
avifil32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
wordpad: Fix Portuguese translation.
notepad: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winefile: Update Portuguese translation.
progman: Update Portuguese translation. Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
jscript: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
mapi32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
msacm32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
mshtml: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
oledlg: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
msi: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
oleacc: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
sane.ds: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
serialui: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.

Hans Leidekker (1):
msi: Avoid a crash when the cabinet file must be downloaded.

Henri Verbeet (2):
wined3d: read_from_framebuffer_texture() isn't suitable for readback of onscreen surfaces.
ddraw: Avoid an integer overflow in IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl_BltFast().

Hwang YunSong (9):
comctl32: Update Korean resource.
gphoto2.ds: Update Korean resource.
oledlg: Update Korean resource.
setupapi: Update Korean resource.
shdoclc: Update Korean resource.
winecfg: Update Korean resource.
wininet: Update Korean resource.
avifil32: Update Korean resource.
mapi32: New Korean resource.

Ilya Basin (1):
shell32/tests: SHELL_ArgifyW(%2|%*|%~3, ...) tests.

Jacek Caban (4):
mshtml: Fixed event tests.
mshtml: Check if event_table entry is allocated before using it in remove_event_handler.
shdocvw: Return IHTMLDocument2's IDispatch in get_Document.
mshtml: Use correct iexplore.exe path in mshtml.inf.

Jose Rostagno (5):
wineconsole: Fix Spanish translation.
winecfg: Fix Spanish translation.
start: Fix Spanish translation.
regedit: Fix Spanish translation.
winhlp32: Fix Spanish translation.

Juan Lang (1):
wincrypt.h: Remove duplicate definitions.

Jörg Höhle (2):
winealsa: Only linear PCM is supported.
mmsystem: Handle WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY case.

Ken Thomases (1):
winex11: Allow setting focus on active window, if no focus window.

Luca Bennati (2):
kernel32: Update Italian translation.
cmd: Update Italian translation.

Maarten Lankhorst (1):
winecfg: Only initialise the audio drivers once.

Marko Nikolic (2):
advapi32/tests: Fixed -Wsign-compare warnings in security tests.
advapi32/tests Fixed test macro in ConvertSecurityDescriptorToString.

Matteo Bruni (1):
wined3d: Check for error conditions in GL call.

Michael Stefaniuc (17):
wordpad: "Fix" an error in the Norvegian translation.
wordpad: Remove untranslated resources from the Turkish translation.
winecfg: Fix an error in the Chinese (Traditional) translation.
xcopy: Add the Romanian translation.
xcopy: Update the English resource.
cmd: Don't treat all command lines with '/?' as builtin commands.
serialui: Add the Romanian translation.
hhctrl.ocx: Add the Romanian translation.
gphoto.ds: Add the Romanian translation.
net: Add the Romanian translation.
notepad: Fix an error in the Wallon resource.
notepad: Fix an error in the Chinese (Simplified) resource.
msvfw32: Add the Romanian translation.
oledlg: Add the Romanian translation.
jscript: Update the Romanian translation.
reg: Add the Romanian translation.
winedbg: Add the Romanian translation.

Misha Koshelev (1):
include: Include d3dx9shape.h in d3dx9.h.

Nikolay Sivov (10):
msxml3: Don't force parser encoding when loading from file.
msxml3: Support xml:lang attribute in IXMLElement::getAttribute().
msxml3: Don't crash on null pointer when doing ::Next() on a last child.
msxml3: Extend traces for inc/dec refs on libxml2 documents.
msxml3: Properly free namespace structure pointer.
msxml3: Use vtable macros consistently, depending on pointer type.
msxml3: Silence a warning in ::get_baseName() for document nodes.
msxml3: Accept CLSID_FreeThreadedDOMDocument30 in class factory.
msxml3: Don't free namespace data tracked in a tree.
msxml3/tests: A test to show difference in XPath and XSLPattern for node position.

Paul Chitescu (1):
gdi32: If driver is missing claim vectorial fonts are supported so GDI fonts (freetype) are used.

Peter Davies (1):
winegcc: Enable the use of gcov and PGO.

Piotr Caban (1):
msvcrt: Added __crtLCMapStringW partial implementation.

Sven Baars (3):
cmd: Update Dutch translation.
oledlg: Fix Dutch translation.
shell32: Fix Dutch translation.

Vincent Povirk (6):
gdiplus: Stub GdipGetRenderingOrigin.
gdiplus: Stub GdipGetLineTransform.
gdiplus: Stub GdipMultiplyLineTransform.
gdiplus: Stub GdipGetPathGradientCenterColor.
gdiplus: Always create path gradient brushes with blend positions.
gdiplus: Stub GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize.

Łukasz Wojniłowicz (1):
kernel32: Update the Polish translation.
  Wine release 1.2 Release Candidate 5