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Wine release 1.2 Release Candidate 6 has been released

The Wine development release 1.2-rc6 is now available.

What's new in this release (see below for details):
- Many translation updates.
- A lot of bug fixes.

The source is available from the following locations:

Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:

You will find documentation on

You can also get the current source directly from the git
repository. Check for details.

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.


Bugs fixed in 1.2-rc6:

6189 AutoCAD 2007 fails to install
7574 urlmon.HlinkSimpleNavigateToString unimplemented
9830 Crash when closing Titan Poker application
10209 Jericho crashes when entering game menu
11168 DVRManager + MFServer: Crashes
11614 Adobe Premiere Pro 2 tryout installer fails on first run
12025 Objects in Alien Shooter 2 demo and Nvidia legacy driver aren't drawn
14287 Windows Live Installer does not start
14694 Grandia2: Selected mode is not supported by the video
15732 BPM Studio crashes when playing a sound
15754 ripp it's installer is hidden, z - order issue
15953 Firefox: drag (and drop) doesn't work at all
16390 ct offline update: cmd crash by starting the downloads
16435 spss 17 "SPSSWinWrapIDE.exe" aborts with ITypeInfo_fnInvoke error
16437 installing spss 17 makes other apps fail to find MSVCR80?
16480 shlfolder tests fail when the unix namespace is disabled
16508 Macromedia Fireworks 8 trial sliders do not work properly
16539 Sanity: Aiken's Artifact demo menu is not drawn properly
16572 Intercon Accessible FormNet VisualFill crashes
17593 Starcraft Willin't make games on
18602 IZArc v4.0 beta 1 installation crashes with exception
18849 PuTTY never times out when given an invalid server
20223 incredimail installer crashes
20500 Serious performance regression under Heroes of the pacific.
21233 Anarchy Online crashes in a certain room in every Alien Mission (missions cannot be done)
21802 Mozilla firefox - main window is mostly black
21815 Troopmaster 2010 fails on startup
22092 Starcraft II patcher/WoW Trial installer pops up 3-5 error dialogs without native ie6
22420 SimTower crashes
22429 VMWare ThinApps don't run
22527 VirtualDub: crash when opening `Compression...' dialog
22639 Sid Meier's Railroads: train never arrives
22723 AutoCad R14 crashes on start
23006 no way to disable font smoothing on fontconfig level
23015 PL\SQL Developer: shows standard message boxes behind main window
23247 hhctrl.ocx - crash when showing HTML help
23249 Fallout 3, Oblivion: Most sound effects missing.
23341 wine wordpad format tabs menu option wrong
23353 Steam windows don't close after major update
23381 Newsbin Pro MOTD dialog fails to dismiss correctly
23389 HEAP_ValidateInUseArena memory tail overwritten when updating Wine
23419 winedbg 'bt all' doesn't work
23425 unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.QueryMemoryResourceNotification
23431 provide a stub for ntdll.NtSystemDebugControl() (Ollydbg 2.x)
23432 Stranded II does not start
23443 Font in some lists displayed incorrectly when screen resolution > 96
23452 Some 16-bit Windows NE executables are not recognized
23465 eVoice Player: installer does not complete


Changes since 1.2-rc5:

Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes (3):
wordpad: Update Norwegian Bokmål translation.
mapi32: Add Norwegian Bokmål translation.
jscript: Add Norwegian Bokmål translation.

Alexandre Julliard (23):
atl: Fix off-by-one buffer allocation.
msvcrt: Use the correct strdup function for locale data.
winemenubuilder: Load only low bit count icons if we are going to save to XPM format.
winemenubuilder: Use the new wine glass icon from user32 as default icon.
ntdll: Round up the initial commit size to the commit granularity.
winex11: Set the user time property on top-level windows.
winex11: Disable antialiasing if either fontconfig or Xft disable it explicitly.
ntdll/tests: Add a test for the exception resulting from an icebp instruction.
gdiplus/tests: Comment out a test that corrupts the stack on Vista.
server: Return the total length of the target in query_symlink.
ntdll: Append a terminating null and return the correct length in NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject.
ntdll/tests: Add some tests for NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject.
configure: Disable clean and depend rules for disabled top-level directories.
winedump: Don't crash on an invalid nrestab NE header value.
krnl386.exe: Ignore non-resident name table if value is invalid.
winedbg: Use the correct context when fetching the frame state for backtraces.
winedbg: Add a name for a couple of instructions in the disassembler.
gdiplus/tests: Use Tahoma instead of Courier New for testing font metrics.
gdiplus/tests: Don't fail if we do find Microsoft Sans Serif on Wine.
msi/tests: Reset the enumeration index for MsiEnumProducts before testing it.
d3d8/tests: Fix some test failures with the focus messages.
d3d9/tests: Fix some test failures with the focus messages.
msi/tests: Check the x86 program directory first for installed files.

Andrew Eikum (5):
shell32: Fix a comment typo.
shell32: Use ParseURL to detect URLs.
shell32: UNIX paths should be parsed by unixfs.
include: Add new SHCNRF flags.
shell32: Pass the file extension to ParseDisplayName in unixfs's SetNameOf.

Andrew Nguyen (1):
atl: Accept a NULL output container pointer in AtlAxAttachControl.

AndrÃ:copyright: Hentschel (7):
kernel32: Add NERR_UserNotFound to german winerr.
urlmon: Partially implement HlinkSimpleNavigateToString.
user32/tests: Use if(0) instead of a comment to make sure code still compiles.
include: Add some SYSDBG_COMMANDs.
winecfg: Remove BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON style for AddDll.
urlmon: Implement HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker.
user32/tests: Test that GetDlgItem does not recurse.

Austin English (7):
setupapi: Add stubs for SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList and SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo:.
ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache:.
kernel32: Add NERR_UserNotFound to Norwegian winerr.
kernel32: Add stub for QueryMemoryResourceNotification.
ntdll: Add stub for NtSystemDebugControl.
user32: Fix a compiler warning on mingw.
wininet: Avoid size_t in ERR().

David Hedberg (2):
wordpad: Small update to the Swedish translation.
taskmgr: Small update to the Swedish translation.

Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
comdlg32: Not all messages depend on initialized custom choose font dialog data.

Eric Pouech (8):
dbghelp: Fix the localization of section table while loading COFF information.
dbghelp: Test validity of COFF symbol table against file size (and not image size).
dbghelp: Ensure we can try to load COFF symbols if none is found in other debug formats.
winmm: Added a couple of tests for structure alignment.
dbghelp: Set the correct word size when unwinding stacks with Dwarf debug info.
dbghelp: Correctly handle the RULE_EXPRESSION when computing CFA in dwarf debug info.
dbghelp: When unwinding i386 stacks, update CONTEXT with sp/bp/ip.
dbghelp: Parse correctly DW_LNE_set_discriminator.

Gustavo Henrique MilarÃ:copyright: (30):
winecfg: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
cmd: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
cmdlgtst: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
net: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
oleview: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
reg: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
start: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
taskmgr: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
uninstaller: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
view: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
wineboot: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
wineconsole: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winedbg: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winemine: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winhlp32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
xcopy: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
mshtml: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
regedit: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winhlp32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
shdoclc: Update Portuguese translation.
oleacc: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
shlwapi: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
winspool.drv: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
wldap32: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
wininet: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
setupapi: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
appwiz.cpl: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
cryptdlg: Update Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
hhctrl.ocx: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
mshtml: Fix Portuguese translation.

Hwang YunSong (2):
cmd: Update Korean resource.
xcopy: Update Korean resource.

Igor Paliychuk (11):
wordpad: Ukrainian translation update.
cryptdlg: Ukrainian translation update.
wldap32: Ukrainian translation update.
winefile: Ukrainian translation update.
mshtml: Ukrainian translation update.
crypt32: Ukrainian translation update.
oleacc: Added Ukrainian translation.
reg: Ukrainian translation update.
xcopy: Ukrainian translation update.
comdlg32: Ukrainian translation update.
comctl32: Ukrainian translation update.

Ilya Basin (1):
include: Fix packing bug in shlobj.h. pragma pack 8 for ITEMSPACING, CSFV, SFV_CREATE.

Jacek Caban (6):
mshtml: Store client site in HTMLDocumentObj as soon as possible in SetClientSite.
shdocvw: Try to guess scheme for IHTMLPrivateWindow navigation too.
shdocvw: Pass correct buffer size to UrlApplySchemeW.
shdocvw: Return S_OK in IWebBrowser2::Stop.
shdocvw: Store DocHost url on a regular heap.
shdocvw: Added IBindStatusCallback::OnProgress(BINDSTATUS_REDIRECTING) implementation.

Jaroslav Šmíd (1):
hhctrl.ocx: Make sure pszCaption and pszFile are never 0.

Ken Sharp (1):
iccvid: Add Welsh resource.

Kovács András (23):
appwiz.cpl: Add Hungarian translation.
browseui: Add Hungarian translation.
credui: Add Hungarian translation.
comdlg32: Hungarian translation update and conversion to UTF-8.
cryptdlg: Add Hungarian translation.
crypt32: Add Hungarian translation.
gphoto2.ds: Add Hungarian translation.
jscript: Add Hungarian translation.
localspl: Add Hungarian translation.
localui: Add Hungarian translation.
mapi32: Add Hungarian translation.
mshtml: Update Hungarian translation.
oleacc: Add Hungarian translation.
oledlg: Update Hungarian translation.
sane.ds: Add Hungarian translation.
setupapi: Update Hungarian translation.
shdoclc: Update Hungarian translation.
shell32: Update Hungarian translation.
shlwapi: Update Hungarian translation.
wininet: Update Hungarian translation.
winspool.drv: Add Hungarian translation.
wldap32: Add Hungarian translation.
devenum: Add Hungarian translation.

Marko Nikolic (2):
advapi32/tests: Replaced function lstrlen with strlen in condition check.
advapi32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in test_LookupAccountName.

Matthias Kupfer (1):
comctl32: Fix selection of tab via mouse.

Michael Stefaniuc (4):
start: Add the Romanian translation.
start: One language specifier in the English resource is enough.
cryptui: Add the Romanian translation.
progman: Add the Romanian translation.

Mikko Rasa (1):
ddraw: Grow index buffer as needed.

Nikolay Sivov (3):
msxml3: Create additional node for xml declaration.
msxml3: Add support for IPersistStreamInit for IXMLDOMDocument.
msxml3: Use proper pointer types for IPersistStreamInit methods.

Paul Chitescu (4):
dbghelp: Provide a non-NULL number of bytes read to ReadProcessMemoryProc64 callback.
mshtml: Do not try to use IDocHostUIHandler for context menu if hostui is NULL.
mshtml: Pass the data read from resource to FindMimeFromData.
shdocvw: Strip out initial whitespaces and quotes around an URL on iexplore command line.

Piotr Caban (3):
msxml3: Fix illegal memory access.
wininet: Reconnect if persistent connection was closed by server.
wininet: Remove get_avail_data check from HTTPREQ_ReadFileExA.

Ricardo Filipe (1):
mshtml: Fix Portuguese Portugal translation.

Scott Ritchie (1):
wine.desktop: Add Czech translation by Sven Augustin.

Tim Cadogan-Cowper (1):
winmm: Correctly calculate dwFileSize for apps installing their own IOproc.

Vitaly Lipatov (1):
kernel32: Add Russian translation.