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Saw over at DistroWatch that Lycoris Desktop/LX Update 3 Release Candidate 1 has been released

The Lycoris Development Team is hard at work finishing Desktop/LX Update 3. Release candidate 1 is now available! All users can use the Update Wizard to update their systems to build 127. Build 127 is the second for release candidate status! Build 127 is available from the mirrors. Build 127 includes many more bugfixes and user improvements. Due to the great response we're seeing in bug improvements, this past week we had a customer appreciation sale on Update 3 media. Update 3 is slated for an early September release. So, the current stable release is build 46 - Update 2. Release candidate 1 is build 127. Update 3 will go gold as soon as we have enough feedback from the community about stability. Stay tuned for screenshots and more information regarding Desktop/LX Update 3!
Only the first CD is necessary for the installation
