Date: 2024-09-25 21:20 | Last update:



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software licenses

what are the different software licenses? i knew some like freeware, shareware, and also commercial. Is there any other type? What do they mean by this? Like say for example for shareware, what do they mean by shareware? What does each of these software licenses mean?.
4 1791
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

php5-mysqli from dotdep on Debain woody

Hi, I just upgraded my Debian woody with following packages from dotdep. org: mysql php5 php3-cgi php5-mysqli apache 1. 3. 26 Everything but php5-mysql is working fine. I can't open connections to mysql-db.
1 1737
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

Is Linux just as vulnerable as Windows?

The battle continues where many people argue that Linux is just as vulnerable as windows. Some argue that open source software is more vulnerable to attacks than proprietary software and some argue just the opposite.
30 7841
avatar Last reply by clutch on

SuSE 9.1 Personel but not just Personel Problem!!

I have a Pctel HSP56 Micromodem(internel) which is running fine on COM3 of my Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2. I installed SuSE Linux 9. 1 (Personel Edition) with KDE desktop environment lately as a dual boot with XP.
1 2732
avatar Last reply by martouf on

Greetings All, First up help needed with Mandrake

Akuma Lazoth
Well First up after having a look at some of the threads here im impressed with the knowlage, experiance that is gathered here. Ok I have just gone through some old computers laying around my house and I came across a Dell Pentium Pro 200 128Mb RAM 4Gb HDD Voodoo2 Helios expansion video card running Mandrake 7.
1 1338
avatar Last reply by kel on

I need a hard drive expert!

Hi, I'm trying to put a 20MB Maxtor 2B020H1 into an old P166 RedHat 8. 0 box. It seems to mount fine and everything, but there are a bunch of i/o seek errors towards the end of the drive. Something like: Quote:Sep 10 12:50:39 genbaby kernel: hdb: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }Sep 10 12:50:3 ...
4 1978
avatar Last reply by kel on

Browser complaints!

Dapper Dan
I've used Epiphany, Mozilla, Konqueror, Galeon, Firefox, Opera, Phoenix, Firebird, Lynx, Links, Links-Graphics and a few others I can't remember right now. I've been using Firefox for several months, and it is the perfect browser in so many ways for me except one: It often crashes and disappears when I'm trying to ...
18 3182
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan on

mandrake 10.0 and DSL

hellou! i have one problem, i instaleed mandrake 10,0 and i have dls connection with dhcp and my provider gave me username and password, so when i try to acces internet on madndrake it says unknown host, i tried every configuration wizzard but i dont know what option to choose, i am newbie in linux, but i have runn ...
3 1707
avatar Last reply by eldzis on


I d like to say that i m very impressed from the knowledge that all you guys have and from the interest you show to help new users or old to solve their problems I am a new user of linux. I use FC3 and i d like to know how i get to use and install files like *.
5 1865
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Hardware problems...

I can't seem to find a working linux compatible driver for my gineric rockwell sound card. i don't know the model number or anything, i just need a list of drivers for linux if they have any. (can't even find the rockwell international website!) And one more thing.
6 4644
avatar Last reply by danleff on


i really nee to format my computer but after installin fedora core 3. I cant find the way how to do it. i suppose fc3 doesnt let me to reformat. please someone help me.
1 853
avatar Last reply by danleff on

3 days to freedom

Well, I've made up my mind (or whats left of it)! Fedora Core 3 has got to GO! As I have said in the other thread, this OS is probably very good, but I am an amature, and I do have an older computer.
4 1002
avatar Last reply by Justbill on

Quake 3 Arena Under Linux

I thought there was a separate box version for Linux Q3A, but is there a simple executable that can be used to convert between the two? I would like to run Q3A under Linux without emulation to see how it runs, and in the process evaluate whether or not I get rid of Windows on my primary box.
20 14145
avatar Last reply by Pedrotski on

New to Linux (help with Network)

Hi all. Im new to Linux, and well have heard so many nice things about it, so I finally took the plundge and went to my local store to get a copy, im using the Suse linux 9. 2, anyway, Installed it with no problem, but now Im trying to get my WG511 Netgear wireless card to talk to my router so I can then get on int ...
9 2721
avatar Last reply by fletchjp on


I would like to know how to connect to my local network in order to share files with other computers. I use fedora 3. i know about an application called samba but i have no idea what to do with it thanks.
3 1112
avatar Last reply by CrazyKillerMan on

Stopping file access from the Internet

I kept an article some years ago when I first tried redhat 6. Now some years later I have decided to go back to linux and found this article. It states that if you added in the line ALL: ALL in the file /etc/hosts.
6 6158
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan on


I have cups and i emerged hpijs drivers. . . they still will not show up when i've restarted the comp, the cups server adn what not. . what am i doing wrong? Daum.
6 1244
avatar Last reply by taeuler on

Lan and WAN config problems

linuxnewbie-mandrake 101
Hi I have Mandrake 10. 0 official installed on my computer. The only way I have access to connecting to the internet is by using the motorola surfboard 4200 cable modem either by ethernet or usb. However when I try both approches I get the same result: nothing.
25 11051
avatar Last reply by thefeet on