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I want to write a device driver

Someone gave me a printer. . . and, its a paperweight. I figure that if I work at it a little every day, I can learn the basics of C programming in one year. Then, maybe I can tackle the challenge of writing a device driver for this printer.
7 1677
avatar Last reply by BSchindler on

Fedora Core 2 2.6.5 updates...

Hello, I've scoured the internet for info on this, but have been unsuccessful, maybe someone here can help. I have two computers here at school one laptop (xp), and a IBM Aptiva AMD 475 with Fedora Core 2 2.
16 3984
avatar Last reply by danleff on

mounting windows drives

hi I belive hav have just mounted my unused 30gig partion i use in windows and i beleve have mounted it as hda5 mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 it dosent say anything after just goes to another command line.
3 3828
avatar Last reply by matttah on

wanting to rip my cds

hi am i able to turn my music cds into files (mp3 or what ever linux uses) i tryed using sound juicer the program that comes with redhat fedora core but when i put my megadeth cd it it say it cant mount and in sound juicer it just wont find anything on the cd.
2 1117
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

New movies previews seen during SuperBowl #39!

I've been a fan of Batman since I was a kid, I'm looking forward to the new movie. It looks like they're moving back to a darker film like the original 2 Batman movies (the Tim Burton ones) - just as long as it's nothing like the last 2 films, I'll be happy I'm not sure about War of the Worlds - just hope they don' ...
1 1218
avatar Last reply by Lotus on

HTTP server

how do i set up an http server in my linux, i'm using fc3. is there any good tutorial you can refer me to?.
0 776
avatar Last reply by jarves on

free music for on-hold system

Here's the thing. I've been asked to find some good music for our on-hold system at work. Obviously it must be royalty free and copyright free etc etc and not sound like absolute shiat. Aside from MIDI, does anyone have any ideas of places.
8 1495
avatar Last reply by thatsteveguy on

need help w/ Gentoo linux 2004.3

Hello, I have downloaded gentoo 2004. 3 a couple of days ago, and installed it 3 times after eachother because it didn't workt like I wanted :x. Now it's the fourth time, I used the handbook of gentoo 2004.
12 4366
avatar Last reply by matttah on

Want to Uninstall Red Hat 9

i using win XP and Red Hat 9 How can I uninstall Red Hat ? because i m facing with low storage now. . i use sata 80 gb. and make 4 partitions with dos. i try to format red hat partition but it not display in dos and i just see 3 partitions pls help me.
7 7120
avatar Last reply by ioriamd on

ProMepis 2005.b4 help

I installed SimplyMepis and messed with it for about a week. No complainst. I think it is very stable. I installed ProMepis yesterday. It comes with a few glitches, but I think I like what see in this distro.
5 1755
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

[Mandrake 10.1] No Internet

Hi, I'm new to Linux and I've a prob with my internet. In Windows, everything goes fine. In Mandrake, the icon in the systemtray states that I DO have a LAN-connection. I put, like in Windows, my IP to: 192.
5 2654
avatar Last reply by poochy on

problem installing gtk-gnutella

Hi! I've been trying to install gtk-gnutella in Mandrake 10. 1. When i do. /configure at some point it says:. . . checking for gtk-config. . . no checking for GTK - version >= 1. 2. 0. . . no *** The gtk-config script installed by GTK could not be found *** If GTK was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is ...
2 4570
avatar Last reply by martiniano on

changing root password

hi everyone i am just wanting to know how to change my root password i have the correct passwprd i want but i had capslock and its just a pain in the. . . . . to keep pressing it all the time !!! Thanks Matthew.
1 7804
avatar Last reply by taeuler on


hi I have just installed the winex rpm and i try to load a game clicking on the setup. exe and it looks up the installer but then comes up with an error and nothing more i click on details (of the error) this is the error:- rror Code: -5009 : 0x8000ffff Error Information: >Kernel\TextSubstitution.
0 1322
avatar Last reply by sasfmj on

Got Gmail?

Hi Everyone, I'd first like to admit I am a n00b with linux (just downloaded Mandrake 10. 1, haven't installed it yet am reading the pre-installation guide from this site) so go easy on me. Just wanted to know if anyone was interested in getting a gmail account, pretty much everyone I know is on gmail and I have 5 ...
4 2243
avatar Last reply by Jmax3 on

Wireless : Broadcom on Compaq Presario R3000T

Hello, I'm very new to Linux I just set up a dual boot xp/Mandrake 10 on my new Compaq Presario R3000T notebook. I've got most everything working with mandrake so far, but haven't been able to get online.
5 8165
avatar Last reply by martouf on