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Partitioning for fedora core 3 and 2

Hi all I was wondering if any one could point me in the right direction. Basically i have installed fedora core 3 on my laptop and completly love it but i want to install fedora core 2 on the same machine (due to compatibilty with certain apps), in a dual boot manner.
1 3391
avatar Last reply by danleff on

drivers for usb isdn modem (Zyxel

where do i get drivers for an isdn modem- its an external usb, Zyxel omni. net USB2. I am using mandrake 10 community, which has failed to pick it coz it has an older built-in drivers. [bold text.
4 3203
avatar Last reply by odysseas on

java programming in GNU/Linux

I'm currently doing a module on Java programming at school and I'm currently using FC2. How can i program in Java without using Sun's Java SDK?.
1 1400
avatar Last reply by matttah on

Parted - no party

Has any of you succeeded with parted? I need to move an ext2 partition in order to free some space in the beginning of disk, Parted keeps giving me an error message: Strange disk layout,. . . not supported (yet).
0 962
avatar Last reply by Dummkopf on

Firefox Installation Problem

Trying to install firefox 1. 0 OS is Mandrake 10. 1 get the following message SCIM: im_module_init free(): invalid pointer 0x81e8a98! free(): invalid pointer 0x81e8a70!. /firefox-installer: line 56: 23084 Segmentation fault.
1 3808
avatar Last reply by Dummkopf on


strange enough it uses debian. . on an ntcompatible site. . i know there are sister sites of this one though. linuxcompatible or something. but still its some irony in it.
12 3182
avatar Last reply by janfebmar on


OK, so I have decided to keep track of all the nifty little tweaks and fixes in AD, DNS, and virtualization that I come across. I am doing that via a blog over here: Since I have started doing this, I was wondering if anybody else here is blogging.
5 1773
avatar Last reply by clutch on

The Distro Chooser

Dapper Dan
Have y'all tried yet? I took the test and it said SuSE is the first distro I should consider! That's exactly what I use at home!
18 2812
avatar Last reply by SoulNothing on

Newbie Linux Distro Question

ok I dual booting Winxp and Xandros Desktop 3. 0 Deluxe right now and I have to say for for my first real fling into Linux I really like the look and feel of Xandros 3, install was a breeze and it seems to be very stable so far.
4 2606
avatar Last reply by SoulNothing on

Hardware compatibility!!

Hi there, I am new here and new to linux. I am trying to learn how it functions. I need to know or find a list of hardware which is compatible with Linux Fedora Core 2/3. Anyone here know a good website? Thanks.
4 3712
avatar Last reply by SoulNothing on

This is a good one.

I'm not a noob, but it has been a while since I've done a linux install from a downloaded set. I downloaded the following: File: Mandrakelinux-10. 1-Official-Download-CD1. i586. iso 708102 KB File: Mandrakelinux-10.
3 1318
avatar Last reply by Jmax3 on

FYI: New server - this weekend

NT Compatible move to a new server this weekend. If you are using a custom host file, please remove ntcompatible. com from this file now. Here the specs of the new machine: Dell PowerEdge 1800 Dual Xeon 2.
5 2581
avatar Last reply by Wicked101 on

Firefox sporadically dies.

Dapper Dan
Under Fedora Core 1, Core 2 and Suse 9. 2 Professional, Firefox will, sporadically just die when I'm either going to a new web page, or making a new post on a forum. It happens often enough to be considered a nuisance.
7 2714
avatar Last reply by Raafi on

Any programs like Speedfan for Linux?

Need something like that to use im my Insprion 8000 laptop. I use i8kfangui on the XP side which works great but I dont think has a port to Linux or not an easy one I can find. .
2 3076
avatar Last reply by pr-man on

RH8 or FC on dvd

a while ago in a computer magazine in the cover dvd their was a version of i think redhat on dvd which did'nt need installing you could run it off the dvd, and when you had finished you took out the dvd and rebooted to get back to normal.
2 927
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Make XP default with Grub

I am a complet beginner with linux. I just installed linux on a second harddrive of a computer that already has XP on the first harddrive. Both operating systems work fine. My problem is with Grub. It allows me to select my OS from a menu but only allows 3 seconds and defaults to linux.
1 3870
avatar Last reply by taeuler on

Updating Bios

Dapper Dan
Hi everyone, I've found a Bios update at the Intel site which is a perfect match for my Dimension 4550, and I'm tempted to update it in hopes that it also provides boot-to-usb capability. The operation looks pretty straight forward.
6 10581
avatar Last reply by martouf on