I know Sane is installed and I know that this scanner has been added to the backend since the latest Sane build from what i read on the web. Can anyone help me get this scanner up and running. Thx. Im running Simply Mepis 3.
Borland 4.52 problems
Hi! I´m having difficulty running Borland 4. 52. I get error messages such as General Protection Exception and Exceeds Segment Bounds. Actually it´s like the thing has a life og its own. Some times it works, sometimes it doesn´t.
dial-up modems that work with redhat fedora core 3 x86_64
hi there, i'm new to this forum and also to linux in general and i have a question that i hope someone can help me with. i am running RedHat Fedora core 3 X86_64 on a second hard drive in my computer at this time.
Dynamic DNS
free top level dynamic DNS service - Free dynamic dns service is provided to all domains which are registered, renewed or transfered to Dynu Registrar. Click and receive free dynamic dns service for it.
Ibm 600e sound card -2645-8AU
I have an ibm 600e 2645-8AU with a crystal audio sound card that i can never seem to get to function under Linux. Its the last thing I have to configure to have this Linux computer totally running which I am very keen on completing as this is going to be my websurfing and e-mail computer to start then hopefully wil ...
Does NVIDIA Linux Display Driver 1.0-7167 run in FC3 now?
I just saw what NVIDIA has just released a new driver after quite some time and i need to know if ut runs out of the box with FC3 now cos the 6629 release ran into a helluva problems with udev in FC3 and i could never get it working.
Unreal Tournament 2004 mounting and unmounting different cds in Suse9.2 pro
I get the first cd to work. . . but I am unable to unmount and mount the successive cds. . . . . and I am not going back to Windows. . . any help? I heard of a install program that a friend got here.
compiling and installing .src.rpm
John Cold
hallo friends, Is there anybody who is familiar with fedora core 1 who can help me with. src. rpm packages. to compile them i have been told to use the command rpm rebuild blabla. src. rpm. . . . .
Linux / Firewall / PPPoE xDSL
I am new to the Linux world and had a few questions regarding configuring a Linux box to act as a firewall as well as connect and maintain connection to my xDSL service. As mentioned I would like the Linux box to connect via PPPoE to my ISP (xDSL) and provide firewalling to the rest on my internal segment.
Those stupid banner contests??? do they work?? any of them???
Hey guys, I was just wandering. . . . . . . I know you know what im talking about when i refer to those ever so ANNOYING banners on cheap websites that tell you if YOU HIT THE KANGAROO or MAKE THE BASKET or SWAT THE FLY or PUNCH THE BOXER or WHATEVER OTHER FREAKING NONSENCE THEY COME UP WITH you can WIN AN IPOD!!!! ...
Request: Ability to change usernames
It's all in the title really. If this feature is not possible (for whatever reason) then may I ask an admin to change my username for me please?.
change userid or delete account?
I was wondering how I can either change my userid or delete my account on ntcompatible. com so I can create a new userid. Thanks. .
Need Help installing DSL or Puppy
I am trying to put one of these two operating systems on an old box it is a: HP Pavilion 7125 133Mz Pentium microprocessor 1. 5gig Harddrive 48Mb ram 6x cdrom I have the disks burned, and they boot on my machine with no problem.
mandrake 10 problems
i have a dell computer and i installed mandrake 10 and my problem is that i recieve errors, like fatal error something. i think its something about the monitors display because after installing it nothing will appear in the monitor but just corrupted images or something.
Mandrake 10.1 + seagate 160GB SATA problems
Hi everyone! I have 2 SATA drives in my pc. 1xMaxtor 160GB and 1xSeagate 160GB I installed windows xp on the seagate and linux on the maxtor Everything went fine except that linux can't see my seagate.
java boxes a bit off..and what not
I have a prog that runs in java(scottrader) and well the prob is the drop down boxes are all black(so i can't see the writing) but when i look at it via windwos and what not it appears fine. . and i can't find anyway to change the color of the boxes in the prog itself, so what do i do? here is a ss of what i mean.
Xandros 3.0 Deluxe or Simply Mepis 3.3 for PIII Laptop user
Playing games, wifi and work. Which do you think is better? Ive heard that Xandros is great right out of the box but seems and feels slower to some people. .
Network Works, but IE doesn't Part 2...
HELP. . . I have a similar problem, but I didn't install anything new. . All of a sudden my internet stops working on my older PC. The networking still works between my two PCs. The PC that stopped working is running Win 98 and I can't find anything hardware wise wrong with it.