Date: 2024-09-24 15:30 | Last update:



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Network tools not working

Hi people I was hoping one of you could help me with this problem. I've finally managed to install mplayer and get it working except now all of my Redhat network tools don't work including the automatic updater.
0 805
avatar Last reply by ned99 on


just got brave and set up a dual boot with Fedora and XP. Can't get my printer to work. print configuration doesn't offer my printer as one of its choices. found some websites that offer what to me seems like very complicated steps to get the thing working.
5 1386
avatar Last reply by petegavin on

Installin software Linux Vs. Window

Quote:I read a lot of reviews comparing GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows, and inevitably the topic of installing software comes up. Most reviews indicate that installing software in Windows is much easier than that of the desktop GNU/Linux world.
2 2424
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan on

Hello everybody :)

been a damn long time. . . how's everyone doing? Hallo Philipp, good to see the site made it this far man.
1 1769
avatar Last reply by Dapper Dan on

Automatic closing/locking of old threads

It seems that, lately, there have been posting to old threads (some have been years old). The forum would automatically lock/close old threads e. g. after n weeks/months(/years), so the mod(s) do not freak out.
4 2613
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

Intel Sound Drivers Problem

I've recently installed Mandrake 10 on my PC along with Windows XP. I MB is intel D915GAV. I'm unable to play any audio files. . unable to configure sound drivers. . intel's website doesn't have drivers for Mandrake 10 but has drivers for suse 9.
8 5791
avatar Last reply by BARTICLE on

External USB CD Drive Boot?

I messed up the internal DVD drive in my laptop a while ago, and so bought a USB external CD-RW drive. It's just come to the point where I want to install Linux, MDK 10 Official, since I can't install it on my fave pc But I've just realised that I can't boot from the external CD :S I was wondering if anybody knew i ...
5 8613
avatar Last reply by danleff on

know how to solve about monitor out of range?

know how to solve about monitor out of range? i only change the resolution to 1028x. . . then i log out of my account. the monitor shows, Input Signal out of range. I have all my projects in the com.
1 9326
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

Traffic Shaping

hi geeks 🙂 i just wanted to know, if there is a simple way to use TRAFFIC SHAPING in Suse 9. 2 i searched google for hours but didn´t find any simple way for me any ideas or tipps for me?.
0 1276
avatar Last reply by Dark_Sword on

problem in booting XP with linux

Hi, I would be very greatful if someone helps me out. I am having dual operating system i. e. Linux and Windows XP ,while trying to boot XP it is giving me rootnoverify(hd0,0) chainloader+1 n it is stopping there.
5 2670
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Help : Sagem f@st 800 modem and Fedora

Hello ! I am completely new to Linux and have installed Fedora Core 1. It came on 1 CD's and installed perfectly. However I want to defined Sagem s@st 800 ADSL modem. I know that I have to use Eagle Usb 2.
4 1583
avatar Last reply by Light on

Searching for my threads?

Is there a way to see all the threads where I have posted stuff? I'm looking for a specific thread, but I can't find it. .
3 808
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

sound config in FC3

I've been playing around with the audio contorls to achieve the perfect sound but have been unsuccessful so far. I keep getting this hollow sound where the singer's voice is really soft when i play my mp3s and i also get a crackly sound when i play some mp3s.
4 1132
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Invocation at Viele's Planet

This is certainly off topic, but if any of you are near Springfield, Illinois, and like heavy/death metal then come check out my band, Invocation at Viele's Planet on April 8 at 9:00PM. We'll be playing with two other bands from Illinois, Pound for Pound and 13 1/2.
0 2814
avatar Last reply by Atreyu on