Date: 2024-09-24 13:22 | Last update:



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Knoppix 3.7 Pro

Hi, I've given up now with Suse 9. 1, now I've got the Knoppix 3. 7 Pro live CD, I unpacked everything on the HDD but I cant find anything about Wireless LAN on Knoppix, is it possible? if so, please explain nice and slow, as I am pretty slow when it comes to Linux.
42 18859
avatar Last reply by vkangin on

Network and internet through router problem? (LINUX)

Hey. I just installed mandrake linux 10. 1 and it says that my network connection is active yet I am not sure how to set up the internet to work properly, my firewall is off yet it will not ping outside of the local network and I cannot see the other computers on the windows network.
1 1843
avatar Last reply by danleff on


How can i make the gdesklets daemon start up automatically at start-up instead of me having to start it manually everytime i start the com?
2 2954
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Trying to Update Firefox in Mandrake Linux

I think I posted this one to the wrong forum, under Security, so will repost here. When I installed Mandrake 10. 1 PowerPack, through Software Package Installation in RPM Drake, I installed Firefox, which was included, but was an old pre-release version.
2 16892
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on

Trying to Update Firefox in Mandrake Linux

I think I posted this one to the wrong forum, under Security, so will repost here. When I installed Mandrake 10. 1 PowerPack, through Software Package Installation in RPM Drake, I installed Firefox, which was included, but was an old pre-release version.
0 6900
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on

Could you explain

I know this sounds a little daft but could u tell me all the battery level icons u see in mouseware as i'm not sure what battery level warning to expect next after low battery level. .
0 1338
avatar Last reply by MegaManExtreme2005 on

New Gimp Forum

For those of you who are Gimpers or wannabes. . . I came across with a new forum specially for this. - Edited: I just realized I posted this in the wrong category. .
1 2112
avatar Last reply by babbs on

reinstalling lilo bootloader

Initially iam having windows XP and redhat 9 on my system and grub as a bootloader. Now i have reinstalled WindowsXP again therefore i have to reinstall bootloader ie GRUB. Is it Possible to Install LILO as a bootloader now??????? if yes how to do it?????.
1 2948
avatar Last reply by babbs on

Unable to install all of linux distribution!

Hello, I try to install any linux distribution on my IBM IntelliStation M Pro, but it seems not to work at all. It always stop at point where it's loading the scsi controller driver or during loading drivers.
1 3077
avatar Last reply by LinuxCrusader on

./configure problems

alright i finally got SuSE 9. 1 running smoothly, i downloaded the source of xchat, i untar'd it and when i try to run. /configure and it goes through trying to find a compiler it doesnt find any. error says no acceptable c compiler found in $PATH.
3 1845
avatar Last reply by danleff on

mandrake 10.1 glib questions

well after too many hours last nite of fooling around with different distro's i went back to mandrake and worked out my video glitch, well ive ran the updates and everything for my 10. 1 and i downloaded the source of xchat.
0 1766
avatar Last reply by stOn3r on

Recommended email program?

Hello everyone, I'm in the process of taking my Win ME box off-line and replacing it with FC2. Presently, I dial-up with my ME box, but knowing how bad that is, I've added another drive to the system and put FC2 on it.
14 3881
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

10.1 mandrake video problem

Hey guys, i got everything installed fine, when i login and run startx i get a few errors, i will try to copy/paste them or they may be hand typed so dont mind characters if they dont look right. . .
3 2449
avatar Last reply by Jerry Atrik on

video problem w/ mandrake 10.1

Hey guys, i got past the last problem, but i cant edit it to let everyone know, anyways, i got everything installed fine, when i login and run startx i get a few errors, i will try to copy/paste them or they may be hand typed so dont mind characters if they dont look right.
0 2085
avatar Last reply by stOn3r on

help with install of mandrake 10.1

Hey guys/gals, I just downloaded the dvd version of mandrake 10. 1 and i have burned it 2 ways to be safe, one i just burned the iso, and the other i used ultraiso to extract contents and burned all of that.
0 1838
avatar Last reply by stOn3r on

Linux won't install (Both SuSE and Mandrake)

I've run into problems installing linux. I first tried Mandrake 10. 1 but right after the first screen when you push enter to install it locks up with a blue bar at the top and bottom. The bottom says something like <Alt+F1 for here> and a few other options.
5 4649
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Comands not working.

Hi I've been using Fedora Core 3 for a while now and I've started to notice that some basic UNIX commands don't work. When I've tried using the iptables command from the terminal I get a bash: iptables: command not found error.
6 1129
avatar Last reply by ned99 on