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sound recorder for GNU/Linux

Can anyone tell me where I can get a sound recorder for GNU/Linux. I need one that can record sound that is played on my PC. Cos I listen to Internet radio and sometimes I wanna record songs or when I play videos and I wanna record the audio.
6 3542
avatar Last reply by turbinater on

Booting from mutliple OS

I am planning on installing: Suse 9. 3 Pro AMD64 Fedora Core 4 AM64 Windows 2000 Pro Windows XP Pro I use Win2K Pro to be able to fix problems in XP Pro OS. So I usually give it a small area to just boot from.
1 1874
avatar Last reply by mckennma on

Sync Kontacts with an eGroupware-Server

Hi Community I am trying to sync my Calendar in KDE's Kontacts with a eGroupware-Server. I habe run the egroupwarewizard, to establish the resource. I have no clue which Konnector-type I have to choose in the Synchronization-TAB.
0 1423
avatar Last reply by DodoFXP on

Red hat 9-booting Problem

I have two system one with xp and red hat 9. . . in it when ever i boot into linux it takes 10 min to boot as it gets hanged up at starting sendmail starting sclient can u plz help me a way to avoid this.
1 3224
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

WEP Open Key Encryption in Fedora Core 4

Hello All, I'm having trouble setting up WEP encryption on my US Robotics Wireless Network Card USR805416 in Fedora Core 4, and wondered whether I was missing any particular libraries that enabled this, or whether this functionality is not yet supported.
2 5091
avatar Last reply by surface-noise on

Using Two Hard Drives With Linux Only System

I am using Mandriva PowerPack 2005 LE. I have two, 80GB SATA hard drives in my system, as I had the intent to set them up in RAID0 array, using mdadm. I've spent no less than 3 months, trying to set up a RAID0 array with mdadm, but I'm not competent enough in Linux nor SATA RAID to do so.
9 2746
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on

HELP. forgot root password

Regarding the pervious post on how to change root password if forgotten was unhelpful. I went to /etc/passwd file. But when I opened it I was unable to edit/change anything, it was only RO. I am the only user on this machine.
8 11213
avatar Last reply by honggang on

not connecting to secure sites, servers... etc

k here is my prob. . . i go to log in to my web sites cpanel. . . and it times out (on windows i never had this problem), i go to log in to hotmail it times out, on kopete all the services in that dont connect, external connections to me time out, ftp times out.
1 7023
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Fedora Core 3 on Vmware 5: Installing Vmtools?

I've been having problems with FC3 and VMtools. I installed FC3 fine and everything works. But it's very slow and stuck in 800x600, so Vmtools is needed to help. The first time I hit Install VMtools, it was in the CD drive, and I hit the RPM file to install it.
3 21081
avatar Last reply by hamcycle on

More sound probs

Here I thought I had my problems with the sound card worked out. That is, it seemed to be working ok with Mandrake 10. 1. Then I upgraded to Limited Edition 2005. The sound worked even better - I finally got the system bell to ring.
2 1615
avatar Last reply by BARTICLE on

Uninstalling FC3/WinXP dual boot

Devin Becker
Hey I'm brand new to Linux, I know virtually nothing about working in it. I downloaded FC3 and installed it onto a second hard drive, which is my slave. WinXP is on my master hard drive. During the installation of FC3, I chose to install it as a dual boot, and now everytime I restart, it brings up a screen that'll ...
13 4239
avatar Last reply by Devin Becker on

Segmentation fault

I'm using FC3 and recently I've been getting Segmentation faults when I try to run certain programs like xmms and xmame. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?.
4 1598
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Has Anyone Heard From blackpage?

I was just wondering if anyone knows or has heard from one of the regular forum posters, blackpage. He was helping me with setting up a SATA-RAID array for my Mandriva Linux. It was a pretty complex little exercise, using mdadm.
2 931
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on


/Echoes Hello Hello ello ello llo ooooooo /Tumbleweed rolls by /Rocking chair squeaks Anybody still around?
3 1727
avatar Last reply by AndyFair on

Cedega 4.3.2 won't load games in Mandrake 10.1

Hi , I am a linux newbie and I am trying to move away from microsoft a little bit each day. However I have run into a major stumbling block. I can't live without my age of empires II. so I got cedega 4.
0 2287
avatar Last reply by lreinhart on

writing a shell script

I want to write a shell script that can check if my Azureus downloads are completed, then exit Azureus and shut down my PC. can anyone point me to a website or some resource that might help me out with this?.
1 1425
avatar Last reply by egorgry on