Date: 2024-09-22 21:24 | Last update:



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Untitled thread

Ah yes, forums, as my friend put it when I was talking to him last night The place you go when you're desperate. I had a feeling problems would arise during that last update, but didn't expect anything like this.
6 1627
avatar Last reply by bloody on


I have been trying for several days to build a LiveCD with the DSL (Damn Small Linux) ISO without any luck. According to what I was told, simply download dsl-1. 5. iso, and burn it to a CD, and it will work.
1 9764
avatar Last reply by danleff on

getting X in Debian Sarge

I've just got a Debian Sarge network install disc and successfully installed the disc. However, the install doesn't consist of X and any windows manager. Can anyone tell me the names of the X packages and GNOME or KDE so I can manually download and install them throught APT?.
2 3949
avatar Last reply by iamroot on

Computer accesses all web sites fine - except google.

Hey all, I have a PC that I took down to move when I bought a new house - when I took it down all was fine. When I got it all up and running at my new house it worked fine still except for one thing - gmail and google do not work - just an error like I have no internet connection.
0 1743
avatar Last reply by OldSpiceAP on


Sherlock Holmes
Does anybody here know of a website that gives you a basic overview of WINE? WINE sounds pretty cool but I have had trouble with it. .
2 1767
avatar Last reply by OldSpiceAP on

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

. Quote:An epic film about the emperor of the world in the far reaches of the galaxy. The first Finnish full-length scifi parody is made from astounding special effects, action and loads of dark humour.
1 3298
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on

Mandriva 2005 LE has limitations?

I just switch from Redhat 9. 0 to the Mandriva 2005 LE for a few days. And I found out there some software that work fine in Redhat 9. 0 have problems in Mandriva 2005 limited Editon, such as Firefox1.
3 7920
avatar Last reply by Xnici on

Fritz 8 and Mandriva

Sherlock Holmes
Does anyone know how to get Fritz 8 to run on Mandriva linux using w. i. n. e. ?.
1 6277
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Firefox 1.4.1 RPM For SUSE

If anyone wants to try the Firefox Version 1. 4. 1 update for SUSE 9. 3, there is an RPM available to do so. This link is for the I586 version, however there is also a 64 bit version available. Regards, zenarcher.
1 6159
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on


anyone can help me find a driver for creative vista pc cam?
1 1554
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Installation Problem with Fedora4

Dear Friends, now I am trying to install Fedora4 but anaconda stops very soon. My Hardware: Dell Dimension 8400 Chipset Intel 925X Express ICH6-R Intel Pentium 4 540 HT 3. 20 GHZ 1 GB Memory 1 SATA HardDrive 160 GB 256MB nVidia GeForce 6800 My Software: WindowsXP SP2 Fedora FC3 I work satisfactorily with both OSs.
1 4327
avatar Last reply by vito on

diamond fire gl 1000

hi, i have problem with compatibikity of diamond fire gl 1000 on ubuntu linux. viewing is not correct. can you help me?.
1 2157
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Please Help!

I just bought an MSI Neo V motherboard yesterday to replace my spoilt one and fixed it in just now. When i plugged in the power cable and switched on my com, the com powers up for bout 1 second before powering down again almost immediately.
11 2718
avatar Last reply by bberrign on

Linux compatible Intranet package

Need some info on intanet software packages that could be run on suse enterprise server. Manage a netware network, approx 1600 users across 3 sites. Primary user database is therefore NDS/e-directory.
0 1889
avatar Last reply by glenn42 on

Linux compatible Intranet package

Need some info on intanet software packages that could be run on suse enterprise server. Manage a netware network, approx 1600 users across 3 sites. Primary user database is therefore NDS/e-directory.
0 2415
avatar Last reply by glenn42 on

Different distros/ hardware..... same hard freezes?

Hardware: Soyo KT600 Dragon Plus V2. 0 Athlon XP 3200 (Barton) 512 MB PC2700 On-board audio On-board NIC 80 gig Hitachi SATA (also tried 30 gig Maxtor IDE) ATI Radeon 7200 (also tried Nvidia GF4 MX 440) PS2 Keyboard Microsoft USB Wheel Mouse (also tried generic PS2 mouse) OS's tried: Ubuntu 5.
7 4828
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Fedora Core 3 and XP Dual Boot Problems

I'm new to linux first off, and I have a Dell inspiron 5150 P4 2. 8ghz w/512 mb RAM. Anyway, I had XP Pro installed and I decided that I wanted to try out Fedora Core 3, so i d/l the iso and burnt it correctly, I installed everything and no probs to speak of, however I couldn't get back to xp from grub boot loader, ...
2 4175
avatar Last reply by danleff on

feroda core 1- monitor compatability problem?

I really donit know what the prob is but i tried to do a dual booting with win2k prof and fedora core1. Now win is booting fine but linux is booting up to the point were is say 'first boot'or some thing like that,then the screen goes blank.
1 1828
avatar Last reply by danleff on