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having trouble with mandriva free 2006

i installed mandriva free 2006, and didn't get all the packages i'm wondering is there a way to install packages via internet? If so how? i very new to linux and completely lost. please help. .
1 4811
avatar Last reply by danleff on


Okay I am so new to Linux. I am trying to learn because I hear it's a really great OS. I said this because in whatever response you give me it will have to be in Kindergarten terms! lol! Meaning I am really green.
1 1203
avatar Last reply by danleff on

changing RPM building path

sailaja bhandaru
Hi all, I want to change the default building path ie /usr/src/redhat to /usr/src/xxx in Fedora core 4. I know only that I need to modify in a rpm by name RPM but not sources details. Thanks In Advance, Sailaja Bhandaru.
0 2568
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MPlayer help

I've just installed MPlayer on Kknoppix 3. 7 and I'm getting an error when I try to play a dvd. I can see the dvd playing, but all I hear is a steady gibberish sound. Here's the error that I get in the terminal, does anyone know why I'm getting this error (Couldn't find matchinf filter!).
8 10798
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Plz help me out!!!

Hi everybody!!! Iam new to Linux. I posses FEDORA CORE1 in my pc in dualbooting with WINDOWSXP. Please Help me in connecting to internet in fedora core 1. Thanking you all. . ! regards. . .
1 795
avatar Last reply by danleff on

just doing anything

i have 80gb hard drive, firstly it had 4 partition all primary, i changed one of these partition as logical and from it i made 5 gb space free for linux fedora core 2. after that i start installing linux, it shows allignment of partition is not valid? it's safe to ignore but some boot loader may have some prob.
2 1075
avatar Last reply by danleff on

netgear WG311T as AP??

how do i set up my netgear WG311T (atheros chipset) as an AP?? iwconfig essid mylan will make any machine become part of mylan but how do i make an accesspoint with the essid mylan any command??? i have done the following to get my card working 2)Go to ATrpm ( ) in Firefox 1.
0 2506
avatar Last reply by whodunit on

WUSB54G + Ubuntu

I've installed the ndisgtk for Breezy. I've also installed the Windows XP driver. I go to System / Admin / Wireless. I see the Windows Wireless driver but when I go to Configuration, I don't see a wlan card? Do I need to try another driver?.
9 6755
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Need help! grub

Hi- I had 2 partitions. 1 with windows xp and 1 with fedora. I used the loader grub. I was running out of hard drive space so I formatted the fedora partition from within windows and restarted my computer.
6 2234
avatar Last reply by bdog676 on

Connectivity Issues with Mandriva 2006

Hello everyone, I tried to search for this issue on the forum and wasn't able to find anything, so I created this new topic. I'm new to Linux and wanted to give it a try, so I downloaded the free version of Mandriva Linux 2006.
7 5054
avatar Last reply by Wint on

Complete Debain Linux Server Setup Tutorial

Debian Installation FTP Server Setup in debian Webserver Setup in Debian Samba Server Setup in Debian Database Server Setup in Debian Time clock sync for debian server Mail Server Configuration in Debian VNC Server setup in Debian Proxy Server Setup in Debian SSH Server Setup in Debian tftp Server Setup in Debian D ...
0 2478
avatar Last reply by gg234 on

wlanconfig:no such do i get it??

i have a netgear WG311T wireless PCI card (having atheros chipset). . . . . . i intend to set my machine as an access point using madwifi. . . . i hv followed the foll procedure till now. . . . 1) check the current kernel details in terminal by running uname -a.
2 3085
avatar Last reply by whodunit on

Changed Monitors cant get GUI to load.

After Installing Fedora Core 4 and then Moving it to my KVM switch it now says Cannot Display This Video Mode. Ive tried ctrl+alt+backspace, the message will just return. I am trying to boot the machine where it will only give me a command prompt and not go into the gui, but havent managed that yet.
7 2364
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Is it compatible ?

Hi 🙂 I am using Internet with the cable. My modem is a CNet ref: DP1112XB2A I need to use it with the USB interface since I don't have an ethernet card. Is there a way I can do that ? I'm new on linux.
2 2367
avatar Last reply by artcontr on