Date: 2024-09-21 17:29 | Last update:



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DosBox 0.65 has been released!

Quote:DOSBox 0. 65 Yes it's been a while but we finally decided to release a new version. Quite a few changes have been made since last version, a few of the more important ones. 4/15/16/32bpp VESA mode support Lot's of fixes for better vga compatibility Improved CGA composite output Added video capturing to avi Im ...
0 4129
avatar Last reply by DosFreak on

Undo a dual boot from within Linux?

So I have a dual boot set up right now. A small partition set up for Linux (mandrake 10. 0) and the rest for windows (on one hard drive). I just wanted to test out linux and now I'm set to switch completely over.
1 1706
avatar Last reply by danleff on

FC5 on Dell 2405FWP & ATI Radeon X850XT PCI-E

Does anyone here run a system with ATI Radeon X850XT PCI-E and Dell 2405FWP plus FC5? I cannot get the installation panel to work. I tried boot: linux resolution=xxxxxx nofb without any luck Also,I cannot get the 'radeon' module to run properly.
3 3698
avatar Last reply by jk12 on

Ubuntu And Radeon

Hi all! I'm totally new with linux. So I was trying to install Ubuntu to my computer. It went just fine until just before finnish it started complaining about my graphic driver(maybe??). It said : Fatal server error: no screens found! I tried to find any kind of help but couldn't manage.
1 2005
avatar Last reply by anttakur on

Fedora Core 4, Windows XP and Grub

Hi, I'm a Linux newbie and having looked through the various threads relating to my problem I still don't have a solution so would appreciate some pointers. First of all my setup is an Asrock 939 Dual Sata2 mobo, with AMD Athlon 64 3200 cpu, 1GB of RAM, 160GB SATA HD, 80GB PATA HD and 3GB PATA HD, Asus DVD/CD R/W a ...
47 22599
avatar Last reply by danleff on

printing from linux to windows xp shared printer

Hi, this is my scenario (windows workgroup): windows xp sp2, epson epl6100L (shared as '6100L') linux rh9, lpd with a queue named 'p6100L' if I do an 'smbclient \\xp\6100L -p' I get to the xp machine, but if I 'print /etc/hosts'.
0 2482
avatar Last reply by ekis on

Computone Intelliport II - fedora

Hi, I have a Computone Intelliport II running on a RH9 server and I'm thinking on upgrading it to FC4. . . does anyone have a FC4 with a Computone board working ??? (I've spent a few days to make it work on RH9, so I'm kinda skeptic on this upgrade) thanks in advance! andres.
0 1437
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embedded linux

greetings. . . sorry for posting bout embedded linux here. im a beginer in embedded systems, im doing a project in embedded linux. im using BlueCat Liux 5 as my embedded OS and redhat 9 as my host system.
0 662
avatar Last reply by jmark83 on

My journey to FC 5...

After battling with ubuntu, kubuntu and debian (did not like my wireless usb keyboard + ps/2 mouse combo, or something like that), I decided to download and install Fedora Core 5. I downloaded DVD version(so no CD swapping) using bittorrent, burned iso, backed up and rebooted.
0 876
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus on

my ati radeon 9700 128mb mobilty

Hi my laptop has a ati radeon 9700 128mb mobilty card in it how and where do i get and install drivers for the card ? im useing redhat fedora core and have a 64bit cpu if this helps ive been to the ati site and followed what it said but no luck.
6 3805
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Suse 10.0, online update breaks my wireless networking

Hi, I'm using Suse 10. 0 with a Belkin wireless pci card: f5d7000 the one with the atheros chipset. I am using ndiswrapper, that came with the Suse distribution CDs. I had originally configured the wireless card with ndiswrapper and Yast, and things were working perfectly.
2 2163
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Deleting repos and then upgrading

G'day all, I've upgraded to Fedora Core 5 from FC4. It works well except it will not allow any upgrades. I suspect that the FC4 repos are blocking things. How do I clear the old repos and replace them with new ones? (In plain english please; I'm no expect).
1 1657
avatar Last reply by danleff on

WinMX is back

The WinMX community is back, the files are back, and the users are taking a stand. . It is time for the RIAA to understand that they cannot destroy filesharing by intimidation any longer. They may be able to bully Corporations, but the users are not going to sit by and let it happen.
2 2851
avatar Last reply by mctonale on

How to make ximian/evolution default email client?

I have been using (& quite like) the gnome/ximian evolution email client in RH9. Problem is, when I click on a email address link on a webpage for instance, the mozilla/netscape mail client wizard keeps popping up asking me to setup my email.
3 9866
avatar Last reply by dfmiller on

Firefox ODFReader extension

Just found this and search on Google: there is a new Firefox extension called ODFReader: The extension is still very early in development and needs more effort to further its progress. It will go a long way to help the spread of if everybody can read it without downloading the 70-100MB+ OpenOffice.
1 3779
avatar Last reply by zero0w on

Server with cloned Hard Drives [GRUB] ?

Hi Everyone, (My first post) I am running a NIS/NFS file server for a small company. The OS (FC4) and all the users home areas are on the same 120G sata HD sda on different partitions. I made an exact clone of the first hard drive (sda) onto a new drive (sdb) and it worked fine.
1 1467
avatar Last reply by danleff on

How to install Fedora Core 4 and WinXP on single hard disk?

Good day all of you. I am new to this forum and I am doing some research with different versions of linux working with win xp pro. i have used ubuntu hoary hedgehog, and moved to breezy badger. Ubuntu installs cleanly with win xp on the hard disk already: ubuntu uses the free space on the drive and creates its own ...
4 14095
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Mandrake 10 v newbie installation question...

Hi, I have the Mandrake 4 CD installation set. I have successfully installed, partitioned etc from CD 1. My question is what are the other 3 CDs for?! Im guessing they have more software on ? -but how do I go about installing and using it? Oh, I have a very old PC -pentium 2 400mhz.
5 2566
avatar Last reply by danleff on