Date: 2024-09-21 06:31 | Last update:



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Dual boot doesn't work

OK. . . What a pain in the neck this is. Don't kill me, but this is my first FC installation. I have a Compac (P4) system with XP loaded on the master boot disk. I installed FC5 on the slave disk. . .
1 1897
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Linux Compatible USB 3.5

Anyone know of a USB 3. 5 HDD enclosure that is Linux compatible? Looking for something that can support up to a 500GB IDE drive. I'm running FC5 on an old Dell laptop. . . Thanks in advance, Patrick.
1 2739
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Microsoft optical mouse problems

dapperdan & danleff rock!
Hello i have all my linux stuff working now but my mouse. the scroll button in the middle doesnt work at all. does anyone know how to fix this?.
16 10528
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Setting Up Damn Small Linux On USB Pen Drive

Okay, I'm experimenting around a bit. Maybe over my head! I've read the forum on the DSL website and I'm as lost as before I read it! Knowing the patience of members on this forum, I thought maybe I'd see if anyone here has had some experience with DSL and USB pen drives.
20 45163
avatar Last reply by jamesdudy on

Finland wins Eurovision!

Finnish heavy metal band Lordi (song Hard Rock Hallelujah) has won the 51st Eurovision Song Contest by 292(!) points. At last, I say (Finland's highest rank in eurovision has been 6th, in 1973). .
0 2767
avatar Last reply by Wilhelmus on

Fedora Core 5 boot problem: 'GRUB_' ?

I have first time installed the FC 5 from 5 cd sets downloaded from web and as per installation instructions from redhat site on my home PC which has XP on hda and new installed FC 5 on hdb, installation went through error free.
9 11068
avatar Last reply by danleff on

FC5 Up and Running

I just got FC5 installed and so far it looks really good! I have to say, I believe the package manager is a big improvement! Have'nt had much time to go exploring in it yet, but so far, I'm impressed! Justbill Win XP & Fedora Core 5 Compaq Presario SR1426Nx 2.
8 4141
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how to install XP after deleting LINUX?

hi!! i had XP and fedora Core linux 3 installed in my system. i wanted 2 delete linux for more disk space in windows(i had allocated a 10GB drive for linux),and also wanted 2 install xp freshly. actually i donno how 2 remove linux,so i went into administrative tools/computer management/storage/disk management,and d ...
1 6066
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SUSE 10.0 Sound Problems After KDE 3.5 Update

I just wondered if anyone else is having problems with SUSE 10. 0, after performing the KDE 3. 5 updates? I have noticed a few other people with the same issue on other forums. Since up to KDE 3. 5, I get KNotify errors involving sound.
11 8909
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Fedora installed and running, now what?

Thanks to danleff, i now have fedora running on my pc. But now what. QUESTION 1 My ADSL modem (Speedtouch) , and internal modem have not been identified. Where do i get the drivers for these things? Is there a single good source or do I need to google? QUESTION 2 My screen reslolution is 600*800, I want to change i ...
9 2053
avatar Last reply by danleff on

grub reports error 17 in fedora core 4/win98

Hello, I need some help. I installed Fedora Core 4, then Windows98. To make FC bootable, I started linux from CD in rescue mode, and issued the commands: chroot /mnt/sysimage grub-install /dev/sda After that all worked fine.
1 6921
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storage devices

i have a question on storage devices which includes hard disk drives, flash rives, mmc, etc. . . when i bought a multimedia card (mmc), it says on the label that it is 512MB. but when i inserted it on my phone & tried to see its size it only read 489.
1 1609
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hi, is there a better emulator out there, much better than wine or winex? one that is free. . . 🙂.
1 969
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helow I hav a SoftV90 Voice Speakerphone Modem wen i boot to linux. kudzu detected it. then i got on the linux environment and tried to configure the internet using kppp it had an error saying that /dev/modem was not found.
3 1476
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Dual Boot XP x86 with Fedora Core 5

I am currently running Windows XP Pro x86 on: AMD Athlon64 X2 3800 Gigabyte K8N Pro-SLI Gigabyte 7900GT 256 MB 1 GB Corsair TWINX Memory 250 GB Seagate SATA 40 GB Seagate IDE (removable) I have Windows installed on the SATA drive and want to install fedora core 5 on the removable drive.
1 9808
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Friday the 13th

Have your day been different than the other days? Mine has not, yet. Something to read about:. .
20 9310
avatar Last reply by mjwebb007 on

Online or Offline?

I need some help, well I'm makeing is paper for school I need know what people think about online and offline games for the computer. 1. How many people like to play online games? 2. How many people like offline games? 3.
7 5068
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