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how to run VBA macros of MSExcel in Linux

The Openoffice macros are written in Star Basic language and MSOffice macros are written using Visula Basic for Applications. I have a Excel Macro file which has to run on linux. The following are the procedures I adapted and finally i was not able to make it.
1 5297
avatar Last reply by danleff on

edit pdf in linux

Hi, I am looking for the software to edit pdf in linux. Somebody has any idea, do help me. The following are the procedures i adapted. 1. The pdftotext conversion of a pdf and then edit it in scribus and save again as pdf.
0 5020
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poff/pon Kyocera PC Modem

After a poff command, a pon causes a hang. Instead of a connect, I get garbage. Obviously this has something to do with the modem still having commands or whatever from the previous session. What would be the proper ATZ to clear the modem at the beginning of the pon anc where would it be best to enter the command? ...
0 1438
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Evolution and Spam Again

Ihave the ant-spam filters working in Evolution to my complete satisfaction. I get no false positives and I miss fewer than one a week out of 150 or so spams a day. I would like to filter spam so that it is deleted immediately rather than sent to a junk mailbox.
0 3845
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Fedora Core 5 install w/ 2 hard drives

Hi. I'm trying to make a dual boot system with Windows 2000 on hda and Fedora Core 5 on hdb. After reading several posts by danleff I've been able to get a system that can boot into either Windows or Linux depending on the bios.
4 10655
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Can't connect to the Internet / network

I'm running a dual boot machine (FC4 64 and Win XP 64 Pro) and when I'm using FC4 I can't connect to either the Internet or see the other PC on my home network. When I'm using Win XP everything works fine.
3 7330
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anyone know if theres a way to get dapper to run the latest stable version of armagetron. . . i posted in the ubuntu forums but no answer.
7 6390
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Kyocera PC Modem

I finally have this modem working. However, to do so, I had to enter the command sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da The biggest problem now is that everytime I reboot, which is often with a laptop on the move, pon tells me that there is an unknown dev/ttyUSB0.
4 1680
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Alltel KYOCERA Data Card

My Bell South service is so bad that I bought an Alltel KYOCERA card so as to go wireless. I have it set up in W2K and it works great. Does anyone know how to set it up for Ubuntu Dapper? I want to get away from MS totally.
0 3406
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Dual boot problem FC5 and WinXP on a single disk

Hello, I had a perfectly fine FC4 and WinXP dual boot configuration on a single disk on my toshiba laptop. I upgraded to FC5 using all default options and now windows wont boot at all!!! The ntfs partition is still there.
1 1880
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wierdest dual boot problem ever!!!!!

hi all i have winxp installed on my 80gb SATA. i installed redhat 9 on my 20gb PATA by NOT connecting SATA hdd to the cpu for some reasons. i installed grub on mbr. later i came to know that redhat 9 doesnt suppport sata so i cudnt get my linux to dual boot winxp.
6 2762
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Need driver for Netgear WG311T for Knoppix and dynebolic

Hello, am relatively new to Linux. Have a system that is not already connected to the Internet. Want to install this card to connect wirelessly thru a router to the Internet. I've looked at this page - which is very confusing as I come from the Windows world.
2 12170
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Return Receipt in Evolution

I would also like to set Evolution so that all messages are sent with return receipt. I send a lot of emails to business associates, customers and lawyers and it is very important to know that they were received.
2 3924
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Font When Composing Email in Evolution

I want to set the font to a large font when composing email. At least a 12. But I do not want to send it in HTML I know how to set font size in received emails. It is pretty hard to check gammar and spelling when the font is like something on the back of a used car finance sales contract.
1 2660
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1920 x 1200 Screen resolution

I am a linux newbie. I just installed fedora core 5 on a dual boot system with windows xp. My monitor is a Dell 2405 24. I cannot get the screen resolution to 1920 x 1200. My video card is a MSI GeFore 6800.
3 7859
avatar Last reply by danleff on

need help for NoCat configuration

I am a new comer in the wireless network. i would like to build portal captive system for wireless network in my campus. For additional information i use Linux Fedora Core 3, gnupg-1. 4. 3 (for gpgv) and NoCatAuth-nightly.
1 2622
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