Date: 2024-09-20 15:41 | Last update:



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MPlayer assistance

Hey there everybody. I am still kinda new in this linux business. I am getting around the terminal (fast than I expected) but I am stuck on this one little issue. I installed MPlayer so far without a hitch.
0 4436
avatar Last reply by SkippyTheNurse on

FC5 Installed - Now I Need Help With Extra Package

I've been a loyal fan of SUSE for the past year or so, but just built a test box, so I could try some other distros. My FC5 DVD arrived today, so gave it a try. I have to say, I'm really impressed! So far, I like everything about it! No problems of any kind on the install.
4 3033
avatar Last reply by zenarcher on

RedHat Fedora on Athlon X2 64 Dual Core

Hello All! I am just about to start a corse at Manchester Uni where I'll be learning to program in Java (your symapathy please), and they ask us to be running RedHat Fedora on our machines. I've had a play with it before by installing it on an old spare drive, and I'm trying to do the same again after hardware upgr ...
5 6022
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Linux on eMac?

Hey everyone. I'm new here and new to linux completely. I've been looking into 3 main distros of Linux for a secondary OS; PPC-Fedora, Yellow Dog Linux, Ubuntu. I was wondering if any of these are confirmed being able to run on an eMac 1.
1 2763
avatar Last reply by Philipp on

Need suggestion on distribution

I am relatively new to Linux. I have tried Mepis, Knoppix, Fedora, DSL. None of them do what I want. . . . Here is what I am looking for : I want a distribution that self boot from CD right into a website and does a login to a web application.
2 2284
avatar Last reply by wilcs on

changing partition type to fix XP boot crisis

I have a system with XP and linux (ubuntu) installed on the same drive. I installed XP first and left 40Gb for linux On installing linux I must have changed the XP partition to a swap partition by mistake, although this wasn't used as I created a special swap partition in the linux space.
3 9526
avatar Last reply by atekigrl on

Chicken and the Egg

Hi. I've recently installed Xubuntu (Dapper) and run across a rather crippling issue- I can't get on-line. Xubuntu detects my external 56k modem, it connects (making the handshaking sound), then hangs up once the connection is established.
22 13480
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Linux installation

I am wondering what the advantages are of a disk imaging installation method when installing Linux. .
1 2475
avatar Last reply by danleff on


Hi: I've been trying to set up an old PCMCIA wireless card in my even older laptop since last week but i've got some problems. I dont know if i need to use NDISWrapper (or if linux is already using it) to solve them because the card is accepted and correctly identified by linux.
2 4665
avatar Last reply by fred0132 on

driving me crazy!

I'm going crazy trying to install Fedora C5 on my Inspiron 2650 laptop. Since I'm a LINUX NEWBIE I downloaded the iso files and burned them into 5 cd's as instructed (3:38am). After several(SSS) attempts, I was able to see the Fedora GUI for the first time in my 14.
8 2914
avatar Last reply by atekigrl on

New Forum Posts on....

the main page always shows 3. It never updates to show the proper number of posts. Is this a script that isn't running or something to do with the forum merge ?!?.
5 5788
avatar Last reply by jmmijo on

New, Need some help with Fedora Core 5

Hello All, I have just recently installed Fedora Core 5 on my machine. I wanted to experiment/play with the enviroment since all I have dealt with is Windows Based computers. I will get to my point now.
1 6222
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Dual boot with sata raid

hi i am a complete newby to linux i have a copy of open suse 10 can i dual boot this with my windows xp the main problem i can see is that i have a 2 x 200gb sata hardrives running in raid zero also a 60gb ide hardrive which i use for some backup files in my windows,the linix does not recognise my raid array.
1 1893
avatar Last reply by bloody on

Yet another Newbie dual boot question

Hi all; Here is how my system is currently setup: AMD 64 3000 1 Gig RAM 80 Gig IDE hard drive Dual 120 Gig SATA hardware mirrored drives. C:\ is Windows XP32 D:\ DVD burner E:\ DVD burner F:\ is Windows XP64 G:\ harware mirrored SATA drives for My Documents storage C and F are on the same physical drive.
1 6598
avatar Last reply by mohona on

FedoraCore 5 dual-boot on a multi-partitioned 2nd HD

OK guys I know this topic has been whipped to death over the past months. I have held off on posting, opting instead to review all possible relevant threads. Unfortunately, none of them have addressed my particular problem, and I am still stuck.
9 3541
avatar Last reply by shazamtwix on

Dual Boot xp on sata master/fedora 5 on ide master

Hello guys, this seems to be the best place for help with this so here goes, and danleff if you reply I know you must be getting tired of this q and a being asked over and over again, I have read for about 5 days and still am a bit frusterated with getting this to work out.
9 2821
avatar Last reply by danleff on

Dual booting winXP & fc5 on HPpavillion using 2HD

Hi iam new to linux; i have a HP Pavillion with specs: p4-2. 8GHz 512mb RAM 80 gb primary HDD-winxp Home 10 gb slave HDD winxp comes with 6 HP pc recovering CDs i have installed fc5 correctly and choose winxp as default os.
2 1450
avatar Last reply by harsh_chawla on