
I have cups and i emerged hpijs drivers. . . they still will not show up when i've restarted the comp, the cups server adn what not. . what am i doing wrong? Daum.

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175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
I have cups and i emerged hpijs drivers...they still will not show up when i've restarted the comp, the cups server adn what not..what am i doing wrong?

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Responses to this topic


94 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-30
Since you mention emergeing I'm assuming that your running Gentoo. Have you installed foomatic, since you didn't mention it I just want to make sure you are working with The Gentoo Printing Guide. If not, then thats the place to look. If you have been working with that guide I'm not sure I can help you to much further, but I may be able to help you find what you missed with some more details.


175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
Just had to emerge with ppds flags on the hpijs drivers...then the config menu in cups works and it is very easy, much easier than the gentoo printing guide.


94 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-30
Thats good to hear. Since it seems to be easier, how do use/get to an interface on cups with the config menu, I've only seen terminal interfaces for cups.


175 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-25
open up konqueror or your favorite browser and go to localhost:631(while cups is running of course).


94 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-30
That is much nicer than the printing guide, thanks for the tip.