A Newbie With Problems

Hi. I just installed redhat Linux es 3 on my compaq presario 4000 laptop, (i couldn't get anything else)and I've been trying to configure a lot of stuff (sound, power management, wine, java, etc). I was able to sound drivers, but I've been having problems with the make comand.

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Joined 2006-10-17
Hi. I just installed redhat Linux es 3 on my compaq presario 4000 laptop, (i couldn't get anything else)and I've been trying to configure a lot of stuff (sound, power management, wine, java, etc). I was able to sound drivers, but I've been having problems with the make comand.
I first of all type './configure' and got a response (positive, I believe). I then typed 'make -f Makefile.in' and got 'no such file or directory' and 'no such rule to maketarget makefie.in. stop'. I suspect it may be a problem of syntax, but I've not been able to get anthing specific on google et al. All i get is siilar to what is in the man pages.
And I also need help on configuring Java so I can compile it.
Hope someone can help me.

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-30
I have to ask, what are you using RedHat ES 3 on your laptop for?
This is an operating system to run a server. Is this what you are trying to do?
If you want to use Linux for a desktop OS, why not download Fedora Core 5, which will support the laptop much better and most likely need much less fuss with hardware detection and software installation?


2 Posts
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Joined 2004-08-15
I have recently switched from Windows to Linux and without starting some distribution war. With my lack of knowledge I found Ubuntu and its variants or Fedora Core to be the easiest to use. There are hundreds of forums out there that can and do help the inexperienced. If the laptop can run Red Hat ES then it should be no problem to run one of the desktop variants.