A really fast graphical browser!

I just found out about this over at justlinux. com. You're probably familiar with the command line web browser links but did you know you can use it in graphical mode too? This really surprised me. Your disto may already have it available.

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1678 Posts
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Joined 2003-09-27
I just found out about this over at justlinux.com. You're probably familiar with the command line web browser "links" but did you know you can use it in graphical mode too? This really surprised me. Your disto may already have it available. To find out do:
links -g [enter]
and see if it appears. If you've not used links before, from here, press g and it will provide you with a window to type in addresses.
My RH 9 came with elinks without the graphical support so I had to go here to download the latest tarball. If you decide to try it out, make sure you read the ./configure --help before compiling. See in there that you must do:
./configure --enable-graphics
to have the GUI to work. Also do:
./configure --enable-graphics --enable-javascript
If you want java as well.
To run, just do:
links -g
..and your off! It isn't as pretty or as convenient as Galeon or Mozilla, but it's blindingly fast! Should be a nice way for older slower machines to see the Internet!

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Responses to this topic


2895 Posts
Location -
Joined 2002-08-30
Nice, Dapper Dan. i just tried this out. Pretty good resource for those older systems.


213 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-01-02
Hey, guys, I looked at mine system, and I have elinks, but not the graphic mode. do you think I could just download the libray it mentioned on the site, and install that, or will I have to go through the whole shebang? (I'm not that familiar with the sort of installation they speak about.) ;(


1678 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-09-27
Try it and see, it may work. If not, the full deal is pretty easy to istall.