aterm config
Hello i was just wondering how to make your aterm transparent blue. then, how do you save your configuration so its that way every time you start it up? thank you.
Hello i was just wondering how to make your aterm transparent blue. then, how do you save your configuration so its that way every time you start it up? thank you
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i was wondering bout that as well for me xfce is my window manager
With IceWM, it takes about two minutes to edit your menu. You could just make it a desktop Icon under Gnome or Kde... Heres mine as a reference...
There is an endless number of ways you can configure Aterm. Actually it's quite fun to experiment! At a terminal, go:
aterm --help
aterm --options for a complete list of options.
aterm -tr -bg black -fg white -trsb -sh 50% -tint white -ls
There is an endless number of ways you can configure Aterm. Actually it's quite fun to experiment! At a terminal, go:
aterm --help
aterm --options for a complete list of options.