
hello again, I need to know if there is a good benchmarking program for linux, because my science project is on computer memory so i need to run a benchmarking program to figure out stats then swap memory.

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27 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-31
hello again,
I need to know if there is a good benchmarking program for linux, because my science project is on computer memory so i need to run a benchmarking program to figure out stats then swap memory. I already did half of it on 1 machine, now i need to do it to mine, because i just moved to linux recently and i doubt the one i used will work in linux.
I also need to know if there is a site similiar to but for linux? all i could find at was Windoze stuff .
thanks in advance!

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1678 Posts
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Joined 2003-09-27
Quote:hello again,
I need to know if there is a good benchmarking program for linux, because my science project is on computer memory so i need to run a benchmarking program to figure out stats then swap memory. I already did half of it on 1 machine, now i need to do it to mine, because i just moved to linux recently and i doubt the one i used will work in linux. I don't know if this is exactly what you are looking for, but if you pull up the KDE Control Center, look in the left pane for "information." expand it, and choose "memory." That gives a graphic of your memory. Quote: I also need to know if there is a site similiar to but for linux? all i could find at was Windoze stuff Try and


213 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-02
The Linux Bencmarking Project has a number of linux benchmark programs.
The main site is here:
The download link is near the top of the page. 8)


27 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-31
alright guys, thanks alot.