Burning pictures

Is it possible to burn pictures (photo's) to a disc that can be played back on a DVD player on a television? I am using FC4, I have K3b as one option as my burning tool. I tried this once, and burned the pictures as a DVD data project, and the DVD player said the disc didn't have playback feature.

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Is it possible to burn pictures (photo's) to a disc that can be played back on a DVD player on a television? I am using FC4, I have K3b as one option as my burning tool. I tried this once, and burned the pictures as a DVD data project, and the DVD player said the disc didn't have playback feature.

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500 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-06
I used the built-in cd-burning feature in Nautilus to burn my photos to disc and my DVD player can display the photos.