Can't connect to Linux Share on XP PC

Hi, I am trying to add a Linux (SUSE 9. 2) PC (Host name Green) to a TCP/IP network using SAMBA. I have configured Samba to join the workgroup Spectrum which is the workgroup containing my XP PC (Host name Blue).

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Joined 2005-04-17
I am trying to add a Linux (SUSE 9.2) PC (Host name Green) to a TCP/IP network using SAMBA. I have configured Samba to join the workgroup Spectrum which is the workgroup containing my XP PC (Host name Blue).
On the XP machine under network tasks>>View workgroup computers I see computers “Blue” and “Samber Server (Green)”. Double clicking the “Blue” icon I get the drives and printers on the XP PC but when I double click on the “Samber Server (Green)” icon I get, after a delay, the following error message:
\\Green is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of the server to find out if you have access permissions.
The network path was not found.
The network card in the Linux PC has an IP of
My router (Netgear DG834G with latest firmware) acts as a DHCP for the XP PC allocating it I can ping each PC from the other.
I am using a “limited” account (Anybody) on the XP PC with a password. On the Linux PC I have created a user account of the same name (Anybody) and generated a SMB password using:
smbpasswd –a Anybody
On the Linux PC the smb.conf is as follows:
workgroup = Spectrum
server string = Samba Server
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
wins support = yes
comment = For testing only, please
path = /usr/local/samba/tmp
read only = no
guest ok = yes
(From a worked example in a book “Using Samba” I found in a SUSE document package)
running testparm reveals no errors in smb.conf although it ignores the 3rd and 4th lines in [global] I assume because they are defaults.
I run samba as a superuser as follows:
/etc/rc.d/smb start
/etc/rc.d/nmb start
(both respond with ‘done’)
The log files log.smbd and log.nmbd contain no error reports.
I expect to see a network folder “test” under computer Samba Server (Green) under workgroup Spectrum.
Any ideas?

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Responses to this topic


165 Posts
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Joined 2004-01-30
Hu, I see. I'm guessing you are trying to use samba to access a windows 2003 server, right? If this correct, then this requires a different deal or way to access your shares through Samba for win2003/XP.
I found these links helpful. I think you can pull out some info:;#entry534086
Also check out this,39035505,39081966-39000223c-1,00.htm
and finally
I hope that helps a little. Let us know how it went.


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Joined 2005-04-17
Thanks for the reply,
My set up contains no dedicated server. There is one PC running XP Profesional +SP2 OS conected via wired ethernet to a router acting as a hub and a DHCP and a PC running Linux also conected via wired ethernet to the same router. I have successfully added other Windows PCs to the network by plugging them into the router plus appropriate setup.


68 Posts
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Joined 2005-01-24
I don't run SUSE but if your version of samba is relatively current (I assume it is) you may want to look at the following:
I see a couple of possible problems in your smb.conf file. You fail to set a netbios name. (You are running NETBIOS or CIFS and XP wants your machine named). Also, in your [test] specification you are pointing to an area which does not normally have access permissions for a casual user. You may want to modify [test] so that you bypass this (temporarily) by saying admin users Anybody.
Also, in general, you must have a Linux user Anybody as well as a smb user Anybody. This is not true for all releases, but keep it in mind.
Here is a copy of my smb.conf file, modified for your network and testing. I run this with XP SP2 and Samba on FC3.
workgroup = SPECTRUM
netbios name = GREEN
server string = Green - Samba Server
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
printing = lprng
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
dns proxy = no
browseable = yes
comment = Green - Samba test area
path = /usr/local/samba/tmp
browseable = yes
writeable = yes
printable = no
admin users = Anybody
create mask = 0777
Hope this helps.


3 Posts
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Joined 2005-04-17
Thanks for your suggestions Bill
- I must declare a typo in my dialog my samba and windows user name is Anyone not Anybody.
With this realised I implemented your code (cut and paste!) and also created a Linux user Anyone.
Running testparm I got
# Global parameters
workgroup = SPECTRUM
server string = Green - Samba Server
printcap name = /etc/printcap
dns proxy = No
printing = lprng
print command = lpr -r -P'%p' %s
lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
lprm command = lprm -P'%p' %j
lppause command = lpc hold '%p' %j
lpresume command = lpc release '%p' %j
queuepause command = lpc stop '%p'
queueresume command = lpc start '%p'
comment = Green - Samba test area
path = /usr/local/samba/tmp
admin users = Anyone
read only = No
create mask = 0777
which I presume is ok.
So I have in summary a Windows user, a Linux user and a samba user all called Anyone and all with exactly the same password.
My session was as follows:
Logged into Linux on Linux Box (Green)
user Anyone
Password XXXXX
Logged into windows on XP Box (Blue)
User Anyone
Password XXXXX
On XP Box went to Start>My Network Places>View workgroup computers this put me into the Spectrum workgroup which had two computer icons:
Green – Samba Server (Green)
Double clicking on Green gave after a delay the \\ Green not accessible…… error as detailed in my first posting.
On the Linux Box I found a Network Browsing icon on the desktop which put me through to a services folder containing two items
“All SLP Services” and “Windows Network”.
I clicked on “Windows Network” which put me through to
an empty folder
after a short period the message
“Error while connecting to server responsible for smb:/”
Note: regarding the comment about netbios I set up the Host name and Domain name/DNS in SUSE Yast. My Linux Box host/domain name is set as Green.Home with the DNS set to Home.
The XP Box has the Host/Domain name blue.Home.
Any suggestions for a way forward?