Computer accesses all web sites fine - except google.

Hey all, I have a PC that I took down to move when I bought a new house - when I took it down all was fine. When I got it all up and running at my new house it worked fine still except for one thing - gmail and google do not work - just an error like I have no internet connection.

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Joined 2004-07-27
Hey all, I have a PC that I took down to move when I bought a new house - when I took it down all was fine. When I got it all up and running at my new house it worked fine still except for one thing - gmail and google do not work - just an error like I have no internet connection. What is going on here - all other PCs work fine - my router is a cheap machine running IPCOP - pluggging into a different port on the switch does not change anything - is there anything I can do to figure out whats up?

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