Configuring Sun Java JRE for Netscape/Mozilla
Ok guys, I've tried this every way from Sunday with Red Hat 7. 3. I've pointed the Netscape plug-in path to the various 4. 0, 6. 0 and 6. 2 java plug-ins and I've copied the plug-ins to the Netscape plug-in folder after installing the RPM from Sun v.
Ok guys, I've tried this every way from Sunday with Red Hat 7.3. I've pointed the Netscape plug-in path to the various 4.0, 6.0 and 6.2 java plug-ins and I've copied the plug-ins to the Netscape plug-in folder after installing the RPM from Sun v.1.4.1 successfully. The plug-ins either don't work or they crash Netscape/Mozilla. Suggestions or solutions please!
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This is what I was referring to, and it might be worth your time to check out: