Does MSN Internet work for Linux???

I am going to install Linux soon, but I need to know if MSN Intenet is comatible with Linux, otherwise I won't have an ISP. .

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10 Posts
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Joined 2003-02-16
I am going to install Linux soon, but I need to know if MSN Intenet is comatible with Linux, otherwise I won't have an ISP.

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Responses to this topic


7 Posts
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Joined 2003-02-08
do you need to run special software to get web access (like AOL)? or is it a regular internet service?


118 Posts
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Joined 2002-08-08
MSN denies support for linux machines but I did have it working at one time....
I'll ask around and try to remember how I did it.


84 Posts
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Joined 2003-06-01
The response....sort of....basically with linux you can setup a regular dial up connection with your isp. You can do this with the MSN service but only if you have the correct information before hand. The information for setting up such a connection can be found in this document from microsoft;NoWebContent=1 In your case instead of using Windows 2000 you'll be using Linux. It's extremely easy to setup a standard dial up connection under newer distro's like Redhat9 and the newest version of Mandrake. Hopefully that gets you into linux on the internet and away from that Win...stuff. :):